I blocked my mom’s sister from Facebook and I’m getting phone calls from her all morning. I call mom up laughing and go “hey. Wanna go to concord to do some early Christmas shopping?” Mom sounds pissed off whjch is unusual but agrees
“So your aunt Dottie...” “oh god is she yelling at you because I blocked her on Facebook?”
Because my aunt Dottie is legitimately mentally unstable AND she has a gun and you’d think, well, she’s in Ohio, what can she do?
She called my mom this morning to tell her she’s coming into Boston tonight. She’ll be at the house at 9pm
My mom goes “what the fuck NO, do not come, I didn’t invite you, you’re crazy.”
“lol yeah I’m coming it’s a done deal”
No amount of saying no or “I won’t let you in”
Has dissuaded her
She legit kidnapped my mom against her will the last time they saw each other
Aunt Dottie is on a bender - she legit thinks she won’t see my mom alive again because my mom (not aunt Dottie???) is going to die soon. No amount of talking to her will dissuade her
She’s coming in at 7pm, going to get a $200 Uber to Lowell, and stay until 2pm tomorrow because she has to get back for her stamp collection meeting tomorrow night
Literally spending a thousand dollars to sleep over and see the cats and go home. Everyone said to her that she was crazy and she takes it as a point of pride
I offered to hide mom in a hotel. I got the kids out of the house, kid is at her boyfriend’s tonight. Sergio is going to set the alarm and pretend to be asleep
Apparently if you don’t see her, she gets worse
yeah sounds like a hotel night
The weird thing is that me being here to protect my mom and sleep over is what’s going to stop aunt Dottie from really going nuts. My mom’s oldest sister agreed - aunt Dottie if she’s alone with my mom will try to kidnap her “baby sister” but if she realizes someone else is here it snaps her back to reality
So guess who’s sitting in my mom’s house with a big old bottle of wine
I will fucking fight her if she tries shit but we think me being here will distract her from any shit she might be planning
Jesus christ...be careful dude.
She already was pissy at TSA because they made her throw out her perfume. wtf why are you bringing perfume on this insane voyage
And she forgot her charger so how’s she going to Uber??
have you like, called anyone to see if you can get a wellness check or have a supervised visit or something??? God.
BBitsaboi: there have been many. Yes. She does live with her husband and he’s worse than she is in a lot of ways
She’s crazy but (mostly) harmless except once every ten years where she shows up randomly like now. My uncle jimmy is a doomsday prepper neo nazi who hates women :/
I had a relative like that a while back but she unfortunately never got help and ended herself. It's....always unfortunate.
I hope it goes smoothly or she never manages to come by or what ever 8C
At least we got warning. She was GOING to have it be a surprise visit and that really would have freaked my mom out
We seem to be okay now. We have a plan to keep her distracted and happy and the kids are out of firing range and she’ll probably be so happy to see me that she’ll forget about whatever she’s on a bout
She tried to commit a felony this morning by sending my mom pot through the mail so idk
She’s more manic but she’s in a good mood so hopefully it’ll be nuts but a manageable nuts
Well, be good to you, I hope it goes well
Good that you have a plan. Fingers crossed it goes as smoothly as it can
jesus, your family. I hope it goes smoothly and then you can get her out of your life for good
guess who got a
themed bottle to get through tonight
Excellent choice of booze
Okay she’s in an Uber coming to us. Wish me luck
I wish you the best and a speedy 911 finger if it gets to that
that is terrifying. is she bringing her gun too?
Okay we are here talking about how my aunt met my uncle featuring massive amounts of racism!!
keeping you in my thoughts tonight
this is so much. please stay safe!
Oh god we are taking about some shit that needs serious content warning
I’ll talk about it tomorrow holy shit
and you don't even have one of your kitties to pet for comfort
oh man good luck and godspeed
She’s okay but she’s driving my mom insane
Oh it’s bad. Jesus, I’m so upset for my mom
you're planning on staying over with mom and aunt, right? no leaving anyone alone with aunt?
I know that calling the cops generally goes badly for people in mental health episodes but if safety becomes an issue...
just take care of yourselves ok?
Introduced aunt Dottie to Sergio’s parents. Let them talk themselves to death, fuck you all
reactive substance meets fuel
cannibalherpes: i love this for everyone and especially your aunt and sergio's dad