I have to go to work and be a functional member of society when all I want to do is lie in bed today
latest #23
I don’t want to deal with people or make conversation and be friendly, customer service person
I want to bite someone
4 months ago
My trump years resolution is to be meaner to men. I will bite them verbally
And my coworker is like “can you come in half an hour earlier” girl it’s gonna be a miracle
antler queen
4 months ago
no you can't
antler queen
4 months ago
I am absolutely not functioning today and all I have to do is clean a bit and pick up the kids
oh gods yeah fuck customer service today
I hope your shift is relatively painless
I’ve got 2 hours before I need to start getting ready I’m going back to sleep
Honestly I think I’m glad I came in since it’s quiet but I have enough to do to keep myself from going on a doom spiral lmao
antler queen
4 months ago
no doom spirals! I read a thing on one of the socials that was like "don't comply in advance" which is good advice. Don't roll over and do what they want before you have to.
antler queen
4 months ago
Don't lose hope before you're given a reason to.
No yeah I’ve found that lying around and doing nothing just... doesn’t help. And I’m not gonna let doom and gloom get me down. Fuck this we’re not going anywhere.
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