you will outlive him , alright...? everything will be okay
and I'm here with all of you
severely misjudged my fellow Americans out here
On the bright side
for the first time in history we have a transgender congressperson
how can people be so careless...?
oh they care
they care very deeply
about Trump
they love him he is their one beloved Messiah (literally not even exaggerating) and he will Take America Back
no but you're right, we will outlive them
there's only no hope if we let go of the hope
Also trump cheated
Like legitimately
32 fake bomb threats happened in areas in which people wanted to vote blue, disrupting the voting process. They burned ballot boxes. A bunch of people have been getting told their ballots weren't counted for a variety of irrelevant reasons, and my mom didn't even get a mail in ballot like she was supposed to.
and yet he was still elected...