i am, honestly, tempted by the idea of her making little mini pies that are like, palm sized??
the thing is, we dont have butter? pretty sure
thats my final excuse to stop deviled eggs from existing
ah well. deviled eggs are on the menu. i know its the ultimate party food
oh theres honey at the cafe too. -notes down-
hmmmm coconut butter is probably not an option since its lvl84 just for coconut milk
the good news is margarine is just solidified vegetable fats so we have that
tiny pies would be amazing
oh yeah margarine instead of butter is probably fine
mint i hope you are having a good time being lore realistical aslo. thank you. thank you for your service.
yeah i was thinking about doing margarine
this is just what i do if left to my own devices
i keep having to do chores but i AM devising a menu
i think i want like, 4 or 5 snacks
i think we need a dip...for my soul

no fish for this.....
im still putting this on a list of fun things i can do substitutions for. maybe stuff w chicken
there is not one dip in the list. alas
like, that doesnt have to stop me but it makes me sad and therefore i dont want to. dishes on the meal list only unless its something as low effort as fruit salad. i believe in her, she can figure out fruit salad

if my will was weaker this would be on the party menu

im not sure if she would make a smoothie but im taking note that it is probably possible
hmmmm. i want more savory options... im gonna think for like 5 more minutes and then settle
haddock dip!!!!!!! theres a dip on the list!!!!!!!!!
literally only haddock dip though. we dont have fish... would she make the jump to the recipe i saw earlier and thought would so funny

which is buffalo chicken dip. yes these are two seperate dishes. im THINKING about it tho
maybe she should just make some sauces instead
okay. i have schemed enough