I think I've gotten some kind of invisible splinter in the sole of my foot because ow! Ow! It is hurties to press on it!!
latest #17
but I don't see anything in there, so it must be super small
so now foot is just inconvenienced...agggggh
i freqiently have this happen with stiff cat hairs which are hell to spot :[
best way to spot I've found is get a flashlight and shine it at funny angles while looking at the sole of your foot. the shine catches the eye usually
for me it's almost always the like. pad of the foot just below the big toe, if that helps
Yeah I got what looked like shedded cat hair out of my sole. Hurt like hell to
how does that even happen
My guess is that my cat sheds constantly and it takes me walking barefoot and one hair pointing upward making the most uncomfortable splinter
in this case I'm not even sure where the hair came from, since my pet is very decidedly hairless
maybe I tracked it in from outside...
I've had that happen with an eyelash. It hurt so much and was hard to locate because it aligned exactly with one of the toeprint's whorls.
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