Y’know what, fuck it. It’s been a super fun week so I’m here for some things: what do you like about my RP/writing?
latest #12
We won’t mention how lmfao, sometimes it takes me a bit to get tags out but you know, when they actually happen!
you're so fun to collaborate with! your grasp of Bucky is A+ and i just love things with you
expectedtheworld with how “new” Bucky is (picking him up in like Feb/March-ish counts as new still right?) that’s actually really great to hear because while lmao, some of my other characters have The Traumas (Daisy’s might be closer to Bucky’s, in the grand scheme of things) it’s not the same and he emotes differently than they do and then I try to be
mindful of the fact he’s from a different time, that there’s going to be those differences between the time he was born in and the time he lives in, lmao. BUT IT IS SO EASY PLAYING HIM WHEN YOU HAVE GREAT PEOPLE TO WRITE WITH 😘
it would be so easy to kind of fold on things to make CR more comfortable or "fun", but I really appreciate and respect the way you stand your ground on Bucky being just fucking awkward at emoting
at much as we both want to scream because he doesn't fucking touch people, it's so true to his character and his trauma and I love that even in my frustration when I wanna be like
expectedtheworld lmao believe me I was echoing your thoughts of YOU COWARD, JUST TOUCH HER but lmao, genuinely it’s just sticking to what I feel is right for someone who is equal parts touch averse and touch starved and is like a cat you need to win over, that it takes him a minute to get there unless you’re kids (Sam’s nephews and their friends) or
Sam (Steve, depending on the line) and that kind of thing because uh...Hydra are assholes??? 🤷‍♀️
4 months ago
Fun fun fun. You are a talented writer who can capture so many different unique, separate voices and tagging you is always so FUN.
bradwick eee, thank you because I do try very, very hard - even when it's the same character but instead they're older or it's a different universe or whatever, to make sure those interactions are UNIQUE and find something fun to explore each time one of mine is tagging with one of yours. And you make it so easy to have fun with them!
I love our idiot spies and how they can totally relate because similar backgrounds and trauma and we're rewriting the show in badlands AU style because the show was dumb and they're so cute together okay. Also you write feels and I love it because I live for the feels, thank you and good night I know it's morning but shhh
thewrittenfae it is night somewhere, that counts! Haha. And I LOVE writing the feels, it’s my favorite thing even when they’re feels that can range from trying to be chill and cute to being angsty to other things because it’s like yessss, explore ALL the things! I’m so glad we said “nah” about canon and decided we could do it better because it WILL be!
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