VTM: big rant: So the malks were 'hiding a bruja in our ranks. He had amnesia, didn't know who he was,we were helping. The bruja took this as an insult. our primogen made a joke about everyone submitting a blood sample to keep straight who's who. this was a joke, it was not taken as such. Bruja tried to quit, prince played peacemaker
our primogen was forced to step down. There was a poll for who the new one was going to be. The gangrel and nos are pushing for it to be me wtf. and my argument that "i don't want the job" is an argument why I'm qualified to have it. Meanwhile, Effie (euphemia) has the most votes in family
this is the same person who bodyjacked an immortal and has been doing a mechamaru from jujutsu kaisen!!! One a week ago she was also the one putting a hit out on the gargoyle, like, hows that gonna go? literally no physical skill vs someone made of stone! and all I know is that she had a destruction derangement so she's prone to violence
to make things even scarier she taught me dominate 3 because she's one of the moon knights or whatever (malks with dominate instead of dementation) she literally had a chain saw and said "make these humans forget what they saw before I have to kill them." shit was tense
Furikuchan: top notch character, but probably most evil person in game. I swear it's always the malkavians! first it was Annie playing Zen, now it's this whole situation.