5 months ago
sigh it would really have been awesome if i hadn't had to spend hours today dealing with my mother falling for a phishing scam (and then throwing a tantrum i had to spend most of the rest of the day talking her down from). oh no, it's fine, not like i have anything i need to do.
latest #22
5 months ago
would also be awesome if this sort of shit wasn't almost every. single, fucking. day. between the two of them now.
5 months ago
Anna | Jacq
5 months ago
Alicia ✿
5 months ago
5 months ago
5 months ago
Yeah that sucks!
Natalie 🌈
5 months ago
5 months ago
Tillor Swift
5 months ago
Ugh I’m sorry
5 months ago
Oof, I’m sorry
5 months ago
I know how frustrating that is. My mom fell for the same one twice! Took hours to fix. I now have her email so that only contacts go to her inbox. Everything else is in a folder titled “suspicious emails” which I go through several times a day to delete the dozens of phishing emails she now gets.
5 months ago
Isabeal: i'm just about to the point that if they would let me (which they will not), i would be taking his credit cards and license away, and neither of them would have access to email or any sensitive computer data. i don't want to take things away from them? but he had scam charges on his credit card that he didn't notice for TWO YEARS because he didn't
5 months ago
bother to notice he could not get into his credit card account when they stopped sending him statements (or that they stopped sending him statements....he just randomly paid by phone whatever they told him...), and i have had to be on the phone/in person with multiple banks about fraudulent charges for her. which i thought was the bank's fuckup but now.....
5 months ago
this one was pretty legit sneaky though. the contact for a company she was dealing with got hacked and sent out vague but official looking emails with scam links that went through multiple layers (the link was to a wordpress, which is weird, but then THAT autoforwarded to somewhere else that was a clone of google's login with a nonsense domain). we even do
5 months ago
maybe need these people to send a contract from this guy even, so while it was sort of "what IS this???" because we weren't exactly at that place, it was semi expected.
5 months ago
(it, of course, is another Big Stupid Bullshit Thing that shouldn't be an issue now, but they fucked up and it's been months trying to get them to fix their shit. as the people who are their customer contacts keep quitting as well as them not doing the work right the first time, so that's also super fun)
5 months ago
Before we took away my dad’s access, I would spend every weekend for hours screen sharing fixing the latest scam, virus, or whatever he got himself into. Similar story with fraudulent charges. It was a nightmare. I was lucky to be in a position to help. I think of all the seniors who don’t have help. It’s horrific.
5 months ago
Isabeal: it really is. it's bad enough for people who are more on the ball, there's something really seriously wrong with the way this all works that this is acceptable.
5 months ago
5 months ago
I am so sorry this has happened. You mentioned not able there ways you can impose restrictions on amounts, and you should be able to be added as second signatory on anything with their banking. But reducing the limit might be a really good step, if not already done.
Mostly Phen
5 months ago
ugh! I hope karma does one to those jerks.
5 months ago
Sasypants: ha, it's a long long ass story, but the short answer is there is not really much i can do about her, the alternative is so much worse. i could do things about him, and i will be doing some of them, but he's already forcing himself to develop dementia by not paying attention to things, and i hate giving him a way to speed up the process.
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