me: it sure would be cool if we got some references

i'm not gonna survive this guys
the fuckin way luis is voicing "been a devil for a thousand years" zerxus -
it's important to have a broad diet
okay they ARE doing cards he just. he needed a fancy table for it
on a glowing platform. this fucking
"Your friends rely on you. You make take pride in always being there to save them. To redeem them."
"Cut the bullshit. Tell me where your black skull is."
"Interesting approach. I can't lie, so I'll tell you: it's the card in my hand."
idk if they made changes to the story or if zerxus's memory is compromised but either way: OUCH
aaaand straight into kimallura flashback before their party got slaughtered
kima: /hammers a monster into a pulp
allura: im too gay for this
zerxus: funny, i don't remember telling you to kill a fucking dragon for them
yeah i 100% think that was some memory editing on his part
definitely framed it in the least flattering way possible which tracks
idk I laughed at "i found myself face to face with asmodeus" LIKE HE DIDNT FULLY INVITE THAT DUDE IN
"i found myself face to face with asmodeus. by which i mean i walked through a mirror and dressed his wounds"
pike asking, very reasonably, "you trusted a betrayer???" my girl you don't know the half of it
this is all even funnier when you remember that ashley played pike as having a crush on percy
"okay i GET the whole, i can fix him, impulse, but uh,"
Kahl to anyone who stands still long enough: my warden is the DUMBEST brick on SEVERAL planets but if you hurt him i will peel your spine out so just like. don't listen to his mouth hole
(i'd be like 'you're grounded' but. zerxus would not make that joke with kahl)
dw laerryn he's still got people to call him a dumbass
somebody doesn't want tuna treats!!!
guess he's gotta give all these to tempus instead
he refuses to pretend zerxus is smart for tuna treats. he has integrity!!!