1 weeks ago
[meme] It's been a while and it's a slow morning. Pick a number :-)
latest #18
1 weeks ago
Ooh! 3!
Water Friend
1 weeks ago
19 and your thoughts on it?
1 weeks ago
Furikuchan I've always had a deep fondness for stars, especially Polaris, which was always easy to spot even in my light-polluted suburban neighborhood growing up. I adore its "fixed" reliability and just love the word. So some variant of "Polaris" finds its way into many of my usernames.
1 weeks ago
Of course I needed to add a number, so I selected my lucky number/birth date of 13. I forget why I added the 4, though I think it may have been a reference to a 4-pointed star, maybe?
1 weeks ago
elalmadelmar So the last book I finished was a nonfiction book on writing, "Millions of Suns." I got it from the library after meeting the authors at a panel at a local writing convention. It's less a how-to book and more a musing on the writing life, which is a sort of book I turn to whenever I feel the creative well needs a boost
1 weeks ago
MoS had an interesting format: the two authors created a list of broadly writing-related topics such as "Structure," "Beauty," "Inspiration" and then each wrote an essay about that topic. It was fascinating to see how they each approached the topic, what they chose to focus on, how their differing backgrounds informed their relationship to the topic
1 weeks ago
Each chapter also ended with a series of writing exercises, many of which are quite good!
1 weeks ago
My only quibble is that, as a book written by a couple of well-intentioned left-leaning white ladies during the pandemic/BLM protests, there was a lot of thoughtful and well-meant commentary about how writers (especially privileged ones) can approach fraught and difficult topics, but some of it got a lil cringy
Catgirl Crimes
1 weeks ago
20 and 37!
Water Friend
1 weeks ago
oh dear
1 weeks ago
coveredinbees Hands down, mint chocolate chip!
1 weeks ago
and as for colors, I'm drawn to silver and most shades in the blue-green general area. Teal, mint green, bright robin's egg or sky blue dominate my wardrobe :-)
1 weeks ago
29. ;-)
1 weeks ago
Seriously, though, I've always had a thing for sweet nerd guys. Good thing I married one!
1 weeks ago
but broadly speaking, what I'm drawn to in people in general, I'm drawn to people who are kind, creative, and/or intelligent. I surround myself with people who do interesting things and have interesting conversations, and can appreciate weirdness and silliness. Kindness is non-negotiable.
1 weeks ago
You do have a very good sweet nerd type ;-) You're both a great example to look up to.
1 weeks ago
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