Plz liveplurk, I have no access but it looked wild.
IS IT OR ISN'T IT A PARODY I genuinely can't tell from the promos
lol the actual real plot is as insane as the bee plot (no pun intended)
plot 1: the good fire captain quit and has been replaced by a cartoonish cishet alpha white male that hates the wonderfully diverse squad (the good fire captain was also a cishet white male but. good.)
plot 2: the cop is being asked to do a prisoner transport from Texas to LA and it turns out the prisoner is the guy she arrested for the murder of her fiance. why??? because he asked for her and for some reason they couldn't say "that's fucking insane, no"
which so far have caused a small plane to crash into a very big plane
I should have done the A/B/C but couldn't bring myself to say C plot: BEES
oh okay the origin of the BEES has been revealed: a truck that was... I guess transporting like ten million bees...? crashed and SPILLED THE BEES
pun fully intended this time
lmfao the company is called "PolliNation Transportation"
honeybees are. Very not dangerous when they're swarming. Lol
I'm sure these will turn out to be some fucking experimental megabees or something lmao
oh my god the bees have a car surrounded and the child inside is ALLERGIC TO BEES
god almighty Eddie is sporting a truly horrific mustache this season
okay the truck was hauling "22 million killer bees"
and it's 92 DEGREES IN LA
how did you even get 22 million killer bees in a truck
without noticing they're not regular honeybees
it sounded like the truck was knowingly carrying killer bees
I could not tell you at this juncture
There's areas of the world that do use Africanized honeybees but not in the US I'm pretty sure. Not in that volume. Think of the liability, especially if they're shipping them around to be pollinators at orchards.
oh ewww the EMTs are treating someone with a bunch of stings and are like "he shouldn't be having this much trouble breathing" turns out the obstruction is MORE BEES
they just showed a shot of bees flying out of the dude's mouth ewww
allergic girl has been stung!!!! epi is a go BUT IT TURNS OUT MOM IS ALSO ALLERGIC and the only epi is now gone!!!
bees-in-mouth guy is fine now and wakes up and asks "why do I taste honey" THAT'S NOT HOW THAT WORKS
oh huh apparently there are extra doses in an epi-pen, I assumed that was bullshit but the internet says it's true
Up to 3 depending on brand!
mom is okay!!! they're free!!!
okay for some reason shit keeps exploding around the bees and now they are forming the titular BEENADO
of course Buck is the one to say it (Buck is always the one who says the really stupid shit, bless him)
(also the actual title of the episode is "Buzzkill" lol)
AJ whenever you get here, did Maddie always have this nose piercing? am I just noticing it for the first time now?
y'know I thought the bees would be less prominent in this episode, last season the interpersonal drama really took center stage, but they're definitely maxing out the bee time
"the hives have merged into what entomologists are calling a super swarm" hmmmmmmmm search term not found
these bees don't fly in the dark/when it's cool so they've bedded down for the night... but TOMORROW............. watch out
lol supercolonies of ants are a thing in some species but afaik no bees accept multiple queens.
Chimney and foster child Mara are apparently into Harry Potter, interesting fandom choice in 2024, writers...
God dammit I hate that Buck/Tommy remains legitimately cute (no I don't, they're cute)
(Buck is the dude who came out as bi last season)
oh lolll someone is hosting a floral launch party for a new perfume, I suspect this will not end well
the perfume has been sprayed!! THE BEES ARE A GO
launching out over this party like heat-seeking missiles
where did the firefighters get these custom bee-proof helmets
oh okay I guess they're not hard to get
lol this Athena plot with the guy who killed her fiance is so fucking jarring in juxtaposition to BEES
oh boy so they're saying the heat is making the bees fly higher so everythingis probably okay now and then Athena and the dude get on a plane... I SEE WHERE THIS IS GOING...
we never did see the aftermath of that plane crash
guessing that will be next week
are you even a first responder if you aren't experiencing your like sixth catastrophic disaster while also undergoing a personal crisis? I ask you
she just recovered from the cruise ship disaster lmao
they've been hyping up this episode so much that I thought it was a standalone movie ngl
"are you even a first responder if you aren't experiencing your like sixth catastrophic disaster while also undergoing a personal crisis? I ask you"
from experience: no, this is always the way 😭
so the answer apparently is yes and no
no she has not always had it, but it appeared during her post partum storyline
I had to check because my own brain wanted to say yes and no at the same time
wild but I guess that tracks
getting a piercing on walkabout
I also discovered that they almost exclusively like to shoot Maddie from her right side so there's that
from my attempt to just glance at a few clips/promo shots lmfao