Freyja 金 says
2 weeks ago
I'm still shook that NaNoWriMo team support AI users. When you think they can't get any lower. (lmao)
latest #11
2 weeks ago
eh yg kemaren rame² perasaan soal ini deh, Kak. apa ada skandal lain?
Freyja 金 says
2 weeks ago
kakayun: Mereka bikin statement yang basically bilang orang yang nggak setuju sama penggunaan AI itu ableist dan classist (lmao)
Freyja 金 says
2 weeks ago
Full context (lmao)
Freyja 金 says
2 weeks ago
But of course someone archived it because we all knew it was going to be edited or gone when it blew up
Freyja 金 says
2 weeks ago
Jadi kapan itu mereka blatantly promoin use of AI pas nanocamp. Why? Opkors bikos mereka dapet sponsor AI (lmao)
Freyja 金 says
2 weeks ago
Trus tetiba mereka bikin statement kek gini (lmao)
Freyja 金 says
2 weeks ago
The one that sticks out the most and the sarcastic reply that I love the most:
Freyja 金 says
2 weeks ago
Oh my goodness, this is why you should never cross a bunch of writers because they will make a compilation of everything in great detail (lmao) NaNoWriMo 2023 controversy summary
2 weeks ago
eh statement ini paling baru ya? ini emang lagi rame di timeline twitter-ku sih. aku malah jadi lupa yg beberapa minggu lalu aku bahas itu soal apa 😭
Freyja 金
2 weeks ago
kakayun: Iya, minggu lalu sih tepatnya, aku baru sempet cek rekapnya karena diingetin sama youtube feed (ada video soal ini yang lewat). Dah makin jauh nanowrimo ini parahnya (haha)
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