2017, when we lost everything and lived out of our truck for a couple months heading just....east....with no direction or landing spot, money dwindling. All the things you plan for and are told and think are going to go one way...can all go up in smoke and leave you with nothing, knowing not whither thou goest.
I had a real psychotic break on that journey. Driving through fires on each side of the highway, losing the trailer on the way, escaping being held up by gangs at night using my gun and fast thinking - with my partner and my two girl pups in the truck with everything we owned and all the money we had. It was so hellish. I still need a therapist someday.
Then 2018 just as we get settled in that old brick restaurant in the heroin district of podunk, NC...she almost dies in a car wreck. Then the pandemic hits while shes working front desk of the hospital. Then the building sold just as we started looking for a house to buy and we had 3 months to get out.
It was like life just stood behind us waiting to keep kicking out ass.
The people of SL...saved us. TWICE. I still dont understand that. In the midst of such hell...the most amazing thing happening.
I don't want to think what it would have been like to lose her. I am sorry you went through that but I am glad you are here, surviving it still.
Waking up er' day and trying.
I'm so glad you two powered on and now... Stability! (or some semblance of it 😊) I remember when that time you went through the drama of the building getting sold. So proud when you got your current home!!!!! ❤️
We're a community! That's how I feel anyway. Even when I'm hardly ever in SL now, it's like an old hometown I'll always love and come back
I still don't know how I coped. I think I just blacked out most of it. The crazy bit was the 2 weeks wait for autopsy because pandemic and they were backlogged. .
Because I hadn't seen with my own eyes I was convinced they've got the wrong guy. Someone stole his wallet (they showed me ID for identification) and it was the thief was the one that got into an accident in his car etc etc he'll be walking in soon etc etc Madness what your mind can cook up to convince yourself during trauma...
1974. Yep, 50 years ago. All within the last few months. My brother left for boot camp at the end of August, my sister got married in early September, my mother (who had been dying from cancer) finally passed away in late September and I had to go through the funeral,
my newly married sister and her husband moved away, driving off while I ran behind the car crying and screaming, all before my 6th birthday.
It was a traumatic year. My sister and brother in law just celebrated their 50th anniversary this past Saturday.
But like Max, I really need to work some shit out someday. There was more stuff that happened the next two years that sort of piled on top of what I'd already gone through that I've never really dealt with.
2018 is a blur to me, I was in the depths of a severe breakdown. Pete and I went to the Caribbean again because I had minimal recollection of the holiday, and he pointed out places he recognised and it was so sad to not remember 90% of it
i think for me it was 2007, the year my son was born. my kid's dad abandoned me just before christmas the year before so i worked 2 jobs for many months to afford to move out and buy what i needed for him. i just went into autopilot for a long time and i dont remember much of it.
i remember bits and pieces, how he showed up to my apartment to visit his newborn son high as a kite and i had to kick him out and the big fight that blew up. i didn't have time to process anything, just keep moving.
2020 probably, anxiety went into over drive at a long time worry coming into reality and I wasn't medicated to handle it, everyone at home all the time suddenly with no warning, sibling getting diagnosed with lymphoma (which ended up not being lymphoma but a spleen that just stopped working, doctors still dont' know why), sister's cabin which was a happy
place the whole family used to escape the world and cell phones and hang out in the woods burned to the ground, having the worst air quality in the world for weeks as forest fires raged, having yet more people in my house plus two hairless cats, getting a puppy, having puppy break his leg
puppy ended up being the best part, you see him run and you'd never know he has a pin in his leg
2020 was difficult here too, my sister moved in with us, had another stroke and died withing a year. I still feel a lot of guilt over it.
SkyeGeek: oh sweetie

that was a lot for a 6 year old to handle.

great idea to go back and do it a second time though. I hope you enjoyed yourself during the repeat trip.
Baconpants: you are an awesome MAMA BACON also a big fat middle finger to your dropkick ex
ArianaSz: 2020... Did it even happened or was it just in our head, for real
2009-2011 - I had been in a lot of pain for a long time, but in 09, my boss forwarded a letter I sent him around 2000 and he asked if i would change any of my recommendations. I looked at that email and thought, I could not produce that today. I realized that pain had diminished my focus and my ability to do really in-depth strategizing. I resigned in reply
I said I would stay until they found a replacement, they kept delaying because they wanted me to stay, but by the time they were really looking, I was working from home half-days. They didn't want me to go, but I knew once they hired the guy I wanted them to hire, they would know how much I was underperforming. It was incredibly difficult for me to not be
doing the work as well as it should be done. It was hard on my self-esteem. And of course, I finally had surgery, by which time that growth that was as small as a lemon when my surgeon first asked for authoritization was now the size of a watermelon, and the surgery aftermath nearly killed me. And of course, not knowing what
would happen with disability or not. Would I have a place to live? But Social Security did not deny my application (how surprising) and it worked out, but that was the hardest time in my life.