2 weeks ago
The job hope that we were looking at that had said "if you're still looking at the end of August, give us a call" well. M'mom called a few times and then finally got the, "The position has already been filled." M'mom and I are pretty sure that between fake job postings, AI auto-tossing apps out, her not being able to work night shifts, +
latest #10
2 weeks ago
them seeing her age are getting her auto-rejected. So.
2 weeks ago
We've got her SS and that's it -
2 weeks ago
well. My brother helps a certain amount a month. However, at any time he could STOP.
2 weeks ago
And SS covers RENT. Period. There's $1 left over.
2 weeks ago
No more retirement funds, no more ANYTHING left.
2 weeks ago
And I don't wanna say anything else b/c this is a public acct, so.
2 weeks ago
But it's freakin' stressful, upsetting, and just...
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
Time to poof again. I don't have focus to read and respond and things right now. I'm sorry. It's just.

It either gets worse... or stabilizes - but to a "bad"... so it's like better than it was prior, but it's still Not Good or something.
2 weeks ago
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