6 months ago
Fredday is slowly being trained regarding the asthma meds. M'mom thinks she might have to ask the vet about getting more of the previous meds in the meanwhile b/c he's started up the bad coughing again... The thing is those steroids or whatever they are, can cause diabetes in the future if used too frequently/certain conditions etc.
latest #12
6 months ago
So it's kinda like. It's better than him having asthma attacks in the meanwhile, but like. Not sure if the vet will approve. And if they do - it costs like $40-$50 last time? And not sure if he'd have to see the vet AGAIN in order to or not...
6 months ago
But it's like. You can't have an infant walk. Or a toddler isn't going to walk on day one. You learn.
6 months ago
And Fredday's having to LEARN to have a mask on his face. And he's not yet to the point of long enough term holding. It's been like 3 weeks since meds and proper treats for motivations has arrived/been used...
6 months ago
It's not easy. And y'don't wanna traumatize him nor get him to FEAR the mask or whatever - because then we'll never get to administer it to him. And he needs it 1-2 a day once he DOES take it. So it's like...
6 months ago
Freakin' scary since he started coughing again the past... 4 days now? MAYBE 5?
6 months ago
So it's added to the stress. But like. I found a method using a syringe to lure him in with the food closer to the mask so I've been doing that and seeing some progress?
6 months ago
It's just not fast enough and it's not... it's so unsettling when he has to adjust to cough because of BREATHING
6 months ago
Ironically, I've started an on/off again cough around the same day his started o/
6 months ago
poor Fredday ;;
6 months ago
I feel so bad for him when he starts coughing ;; (Ironically he and I both started coughing on the same day and continued. His with asthma, me with... not sure!).

The vet was able to give him more liquid meds, but poor boy realized it was going in his food
6 months ago
so refused to eat his food and now we're having to do the whole "open mouth, squirt liquid in" method?

While still trying to train him to take the inhaler... which I mean. It's progress at least ;;

I feel for him that I can't just properly communicate to him on trying to help him and yeah ;;
Emily ✟
6 months ago
Oh gosh poor baby, you are doing the best you can. My girl refused to take liquid, oh my gosh she spits it out. Its easier to get a pill in her. Is it possible for his meds to be injected? I give my girl B12 injections now once a month. I am keeping Fredday in my prayers. I hope he can adjust. You are such a good cat mom
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