Angel feels
6 months ago
Another vent... Gender crisis edition
So, I was born female. Raised female is a Christian, homophobic household.
However, I know identify as Mutogender, a type of gender fluid. However, my default is male. Or rather, I really like male pronouns, but female/feminine words. And I like presenting femininely. This makes me doubt how I feel.
latest #8
6 months ago
Like-- Am I really a guy if I was born a girl, don't mind being called a girl, and still dress like a girl?
6 months ago
Dr3amingInDaisi3s: Thanks, this really cheered me up^^
3 months ago
AngelicOtaku: Gender is stupid, so do whatever tf you want, "defying gender norms" only annoys ppl who have nothing better to do. Go by male pronouns and dress as femininely as you want, we're really only here for a short time so do it, and if you regret it then you'll do smt else, but maybe don't tell your parents yet, there's no hate like christian love
3 months ago
(seriously, christian parents.... overreact... a lot. You don't wanna know how mad my mum got when I suggested I wanted a hysterectomy when I'm around 25 and fully mentally developed)
3 months ago
Plinth: I don't have words for how much this means to me. 1) Like hell am I telling my parents anytime soon 2) I'm sorry she reacted like that and how it must've made you feel 3) Thank you so much for the reassurance <333
3 months ago
(Thou art my friend I THROW MY REASSURANCE AT YOU WILL FULL FORCE yeets the physical manifestation of my reassurance at you like a softball)
3 months ago
Ah! My heart-- it's... healing..!
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