[The Lab] What the heck, decided to chuck Torbek on the Lab TDM for kicks
latest #7
I feel incredibly silly for this character choice, but the FAQ said to be cringe and free and dang it, if an angsty monster man from an improv comedy DND campaign that pivots into serious and scary horror halfway through doesn't fit the bill I don't know what does!
I figure if anything could remind me that rp isn't stressful and recapture the fun I used to feel, that someone from a canon that doesn't even take itself too seriously (though I swear the characters actually do have depth) that I can make others laugh with is the way to go
and hey if he's not fun to play off of, I won't bother apping, but it's worth a shot. TDMS are for testin after all!
I had hoped to entice people with my art but DW conpressing my icons to hell and back means I have to restyle them all |D oh well
(Mostly I'm posting this just to let you all know it's me so you're not worried I'm a weird stranger )
oo, you're Torbek :0
hahaha yeah! I thought it'd be fun to have people guess but without any of my icons working i figured it's better to reassure you guys I know how to rp |D
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