this afternoon has been weird, with a dash of stress from having to try and direct my mom safely home because a bunch of streets are flooded or blocked by idiots who tried to drive through water. and now these dumb storms have my head feeling like it's in a vice -.-

latest #47
half expecting the power to go out at random just to put the cherry on top
hoping not, but yanno
well she got home safe at least. had to take another detour after she got off the phone with me but at least that street was clear
... lol I was about to say it's a lull because it's quiet but I just heard thunder again
glad my computer wasn't supposed to get delivered today
welp, realizing I skipped lunch today 😖 no wonder I'm so hungry
I hate the 11am town halls, always messes with my day because that's usually when I take lunch since I start at 7
vaguely remembering I wasn't hungry after the meeting so I was going to eat later and just. didn't
head still hurts but I've had a little dinner and now have confetti angelfood cake so at least I've got that going for me
wit náterash
1 months ago
sigh. gonna have to cross this off as another non-productive day. this headache just does not want to die and I've already been taking motrin for most of the last week for back pain and occasional pms cramps so I don't want to take too much
here's hoping sleep actually works to get rid of a headache for once
and that tomorrow isn't horrible
I mean, new pc should be here tomorrow afternoon. but I might not set it up until the weekend. been too mentally tired most of the week to get stuff in order on my current pc and externals and to snag Win10 so I can downgrade the new pc
dear Friday, pls be kind. to all of us

love waking up in more pain than I went to bed in. sigh

I caved and took some excedrin, fingers crossed it works and I don't wind up miserable later since tylenol doesn't always agree with me
also cannot wait for this humidity to fuck off. next week it's supposed to be unseasonably cool in the 70s and I'm so ready for it
now to attempt to focus on work (which has already tossed a headache in my inbox) and count down the hours until my new pc arrives
aaand then a big ol' spider decided to decend from the ceiling right in front of my face. cool cool cool
I really need to make a plurk emote of that one Ewan gif from the film where he's a writer or something because that perfectly encapsulates my frustration way too often
wit náterash
1 months ago
namang: you shouldn't indulge my laziness but ty!
wit náterash
1 months ago
i already had the program up and I love making emotes so figured why not
man having to keep my phone handy in case I get a text about the delivery is not helping me to want to focus on work
can it be 4pm already
trying to convince myself I shouldn't order in tonight. but it's so tempting when it's hot and miserable out
/stares longingly at the window like a dog waiting for someone to come home
delivery window is 1-5, watch it get here at 4:58
granted I'm not that annoyed. I know this is the hottest day so far this year and I sure wouldn't want to be delivering shit all day
I just want my shiny new toy
what IS super annoying is that excedrin this am did help, for all my pains. but the last 2ish hours I've been getting tense and now I have a new headache. sigh
wit náterash
1 months ago
I could barely get the box in the front door rofl
box is a little beat up but my last pc was packed super well so I'm not worried
I do kinda want to pass out now because fuck it's hot out even with the humidity having gone down a little
wit náterash
1 months ago
wit náterash
1 months ago
wit náterash
1 months ago
damn that was good timing too
very good timing! and the delivery guy looked totally out of fucks to give so I'm glad it didn't get here any later lol
I'm debating if I want to start setting stuff up. I've been debating all week if I wanted to move my desk and pc out of my bedroom and back in the den - wouldn't have moved it in the first place if the house didn't have an open staircase - but now I'm thinking I might not have a choice, this tower box looks a bit beefier than my current one
don't want to move furniture but do want to get everything out
also damn graphics cards are heavier than they used to be, I'm glad I opted for it to ship in its box after testing. I'd have been pissed if anything arrived broken
hm I think I'm going to find out the dinner plan first and go from there
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