chatter and such for August

edit: also, for faction q's if/when anyone has any for me
latest #77
requisite how tf is it August already
anyway, part of Mara's arc in Requiem can be summed up as:
and of course 2hrs into work I've forgotten one of the RP thoughts I had this morning
though I did momentarily muse that it's a shame there aren't more people familiar with D2 in the game, because Requiem is uniquely chaotic but you know what would dial that up? Telesto (LOL)
2 months ago
2 months ago
I was thinking of screencaping that exact same part of the conversation lol
sigh work needs to stop, can it be the weekend, I'd like to do RP things
not sure if I should be glad or not that my brain has already located the gutter today
I'm going to hope this weekend is chill so I can maybe make myself focus a day or evening on knocking out a bunch of admin-type stuff and then it'll be off my to-do list for the time being

like sticking faction stuff somewhere in Mara's journal and sorting out the couple NPC allied businesses and some pinterest stuff for the penthouse
and probably other stuff I have written down somewhere but can't remember atm
August may or may not be interesting since the faction is a thing now. plus after the July power displays there's kinda little point in her trying to hide or downplay her divinity, at least in some instances
I also meant to do AC comments just for myself and idk I may do just little short ones even though it's August now but w/e
it's like how I knew there was a chance all those starters would just exist but I wrote them as much for myself as anyone else so I knew what Mara was up to
that said, I have. got. to. write Ignis stuff. once my head stops hurting and I can find words. I really did mean to get posts and stuff up last month ;_;
Miller: Who knows where a different chain of events would have led?
Mara: /stares into the middle distance thinking about the Dark Timeline
2 months ago
2 months ago @Edit 2 months ago
sorry, Mara. don't let his dumb mouth ruin the mood
it's fiiiine lol it just amused me
one more thing she can horrify people with down the road
"oh yeah, this timeline has been okay because I and others have been doing very specific things to avoid what happened in another timeline. where my close friend turned on me and turned some of my people against me, and my other close friend's sister betrayed us and killed me."
"and [redacted] other timelines also failed. and currently we're on the precipice.

but it's fine it's cool. Requiem is totally a vacation." 😑
Le Tits Now
2 months ago
God so many terrible timelines and that's just the one we know most about
which is wild to think about
as if 90% of shit that's canon isn't wild if you step back and look at it
aaand now on a completely different note...

I'm half waiting on one of these CD gatherings to spawn an impromptu 'class' on safe negotiations/communication/etc. given we have some characters who are very comfortable with doing so and may even insist on it, and others who could use some help and coaxing
this thought brought to you by a convo that I'm definitely not ignoring work for, lol
2 months ago
dragging over a whiteboard in the middle of the orgy
and then we find out who has teacher fantasies lol
if there's ever a beginner class maybe someone(s) can teach my newbie-to-life robot that he's also allowed bodily autonomy and that his consent matters
awww newbie-to-life robot 100% is allowed bodily autonomy and to have consent matter
2 months ago
Look. Uncle Miller doesn't want to have to sit down with the kids and teach about consent and communication, but he will if he has to.
lol uncle miller there's a daddy joke in there somewhere... the knowledge and support would be very appreciated if he ever did, though
altho I guess I shouldn't laugh too much since Mara's been dubbed "Auntie" for Dion's bb!dragon
2 months ago
aww Auntie Mara
though I will say, Velthrir, that Mara won't find K's age to be that odd. idk how familiar you are with Destiny but people who die and get ressurected as Guardians lose memory of who they were before, anything they knew, etc. so they're kinda like newborns in an adult body at the start
which isn't touching on Exos at all (basically human souls in robot bodies). which one of Mara's close and trusted friends is
Le Tits Now
2 months ago
I need K to meet Osiris sometime and have that subject come up
oh yeah that would be a great convo
he'd love to meet all the destinies, so far he's briefly met shaxx via speed dating and anon!mara via network (not that he knows that's her) i do think they could have a lot in common and could def have interesting and eye-opening convos
k's kind of androids are designed to be humanity's slaves not just on earth, but also colonising planets for them, fighting their space conflicts for them, working in their space mines, etc... they can do all of this without any protective gear even, humans made them extremely hardy (but also easily disposable, for human convenience/safety)
k would love exploring space but assumes he'll only see it in the capacity of a slave... he's enjoyed just hearing about miller's experiences with living in space
Le Tits Now
2 months ago
god Osiris would do a murder upon hearing that
note to self: I have got to make time to finish my board for the penthouse
or tell Mara she has to stop trying to adopt people
2 months ago
i'm super curious to see this board when you're done with it
right now it's a section of one board but I keep debating breaking it off into its own board so I can have sections for rooms lol
morning thought: with Mara having so many feelings and attachments toward a few people, I'm half waiting for something to happen that makes her defensively revert a bit or otherwise attempt to withdraw
I don't know if she will, but if Requiem nonsense pushes her a bit in the wrong way or makes her get too in her head I think she might (thinking)
if I can't find words after dinner I think I'll work on relevant boards since the penthouse is having another visitor >.>
/insert another feral cats joke
2 months ago
Mara goes to the store and leaves the actual cat in charge (LOL)
2 months ago
hey now. he'll behave. (still probably a good idea though lol)
since I lost my tag brain I shall toss a meme here instead (and would have put it in the group discord but couldn't decide what channel felt best)
tbh, an always-relevant sentiment with Mara it would seem, as often as she wants to hold someone close these past few months
randomly thinks about the fact Mara trusts certain people to have her back, or be there if she's truly in danger, but at the same time she considers it her responsibility to keep those same people safe
(why yes I was having Mara/Sjur thoughts yesterday)
2 months ago
big drg energy
2 months ago
2 months ago
That's called a fireteam, Mara.
2 months ago
(Because Guardians also have no concept of normal relationships.)
the hilarious part of that comment to me is she would probably sigh but not exactly disagree
if someone ever pointed out her, Uldren, and Sjur kind of constituted a fireteam back in the day, she would grumble loudly and mutter something about Guardians always needing to frame stuff how they're familiar with it
today's random RP thought when I should be working:

it'd be fun to have an occasion for Mara to grill, preferably over an open fire. she may have been a queen for a while now but she still knows how to prepare and cook fresh wild game
possible thing to do/post later when I have a chance - have Mara ping Osiris and/or Shaxx to see if they've felt anything new or peculiar recently
gotta check how much her power may have stretched just in case
- she may check with Dion too, if in a more round-about way. but either way wouldn't hurt to ping for something faction-tinged even if just that she's not dealing with any of the wrestler-mob nonsense (a perk of being the new kid on the block lol)
Le Tits Now
2 months ago
big drg energy
2 months ago
Mara checks on Dion and he's GREAT
big drg energy
2 months ago
amazing what no longer dealing with chronic pain will do for a man
lol hey even if it turns out to be temporary, she's gotta check in on "her people" now that the closest person to a Reefborn is registering as Awoken to certain senses. she'd be neglectful if she didn't
awww Mara will be happy for Dion!
a touch late and not up to my usual standard but AC is done for Mara and Ignis. I'm hoping maybe later today I'll feel up to actually writing and can get to some stuff I said I would before Life decided to throw me for a loop
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