[Tabletop] Me: And the shopkeep has a preserved frog in a jar.
Also Me: /actually turns page
Then me: ....The frog is actually alive.
latest #10
Jon: What's his name?
Me: Are you asking?
Jon: Yep!
Me: The frog looks up at you and answers in a croak: "Brian."
Why was the frog in a jar? Because he is bad at cards and owed money to the lady keeping him in the jar.
1 months ago
This is when I roll charisma and try to get some insight on what I should bargain for in the shop
oh we bought the frog
That is, we paid off his gambling debt and an additional two silver for his makeshift terrarium he seems to enjoy being in
1 months ago
Always fun to pick up pets. You never know when having a frog will be useful.
Fade spirit frog named Brian, who sticks to things and gambles.
1 months ago
So when you need to get the whatsit from underwater make sure he doesn't try to hang onto it.
oh we paid his debtor directly
also we have fade related business in the near future so we may in fact need that frog sooner rather than later.
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