latest #22
love that I somewhat smell like alcohol now because my mother tripped and spilled her drink all over the hardwood floor and ice went everywhere
I should have known that getting roped into yardwork this afternoon and then having to go on a whim errand to get her wind chimes because the drunk apparently threw all hers away wouldn't be the end of the nonsense today
my lower back is not happy tonight, ugh
I'm not throwing in the towel on RP productivity just yet but it's starting to feel like it might be a midnight tags kind of night
figures that I've (somehow) been managing to not stress a ton over the shit I can't control - like her doing things to aggravate her back that she knows she shouldn't do, or how bad her back has started to bother her again, or him starting to buy shit without telling her again - and still things have to appear to bring me misery
granted, at least tonight does not feel like last night wound up being
funny how you don't really how much a Thing was really a Thing until it happens again
the issues with dinner delivery arriving late last night had her in a Mood and as soon as I heard that tone of voice I was like
fucking don't miss dealing with that more frequently at. all.
I am just hoping to absolute minimize contact with them this weekend so I can do my own stuff and chill (metaphorically, gonna be too hot for literally)
but for now I'm going to try and find something to turn off my brain for a bit. and hope my computer doesn't blue screen again today
think it was a graphics driver issue so I've reverted and it hasn't happened since, but it was happening randomly this week anyway so /shrug
guess I will have to prioritize my computer shopping this weekend. which to be fair I told myself I was just going to wait until I got my bonus so I'd be able to pay off more of it from the start, but then I started trying to talk myself into waiting
wit náterash
1 months ago
well, I had hope of tags, but I was typoing an annoying amount on the one I just managed ;_; might have to see if I can pull off an evening 'nap' to refresh the ol' brain
not surprised that I'm this tired already from all the heat and sun I had today, but I was hoping it'd be easier to push through
though maybe a couple hours rest would help my back. been a while since it's been this unhappy. and I didn't even move any furniture or anything particularly heavy today
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