1 months ago
Who Might Kamala Harris Pick as Her Running Mate? (G...
I like JB Pritzker the most among the top choices.

I can't see Shapiro getting in. From the bio, he reads like a Zionist, and I feel like that was one of the weakest areas for the Biden/Harris ticket, that lost them a lot of votes from the start.

I've been a Pete Buttigieg fan since I researched and listened to him during..
latest #41
1 months ago
the last election, but for some reason his name never gets to the top of the list. Maybe because he'd be another dividing point for any undecided Right voters? I don't know, but I'd honestly love to see him as either VP or P eventually. Also, he'd introduce some younger blood, which would be awesome!
1 months ago
The only woman that I feel could be added to the ticket would be Hillary, but she'd definitely be divisive. There's not a republican I know who would vote for her, no matter how much they dislike Trump, and unfortunately the same applies to many independents as well. The smear campaign against her started while Bill was in office.
1 months ago
I don't think that even now she could overcome it, unfortunately, because I think she'd make an amazing VP.
1 months ago
I wish, wish, wish Bernie could be on the ticket. But at 82, I think his contender days are over unfortunately.
Fly Fisher
1 months ago
I don’t think Mayor Pete made the vetting material list. Read yesterday that it has gone out to 5 people and he wasn’t one of them. :-(
1 months ago
I read about 7 or 8 people.
1 months ago @Edit 1 months ago
Ah I see, like every site says something different. Like 5 to "almost a dozen". :-|
1 months ago
Isn't Pritzker that ond billionaire? If so, people might not like that. One of the dudes might be good, one that appeals to elder white dudes, so they do not loose those to the GOP.
1 months ago @Edit 1 months ago
Mark Kelly maybe, the astronaut dude? Or Beshear?
1 months ago
So calling for an end to anti semitism makes him a Zionist? Please explain
1 months ago
Tillie: He is, but he's also the one who said JD Vance didn't have any convictions, but that's okay because his running mate has 34.

He's rich and white, while will likely bring in votes from the uncertain republicans. It also means he'd be able to throw his finances into the race without the usual limits, so he's basically the anti-Trump.
1 months ago
I think if Kamala had started the campaign at the beginning, instead of stepping into it now, you're right, him being a billionaire would cause problems.

But now, money is definitely an issue. Trump has his own money (whatever he has left after lawsuits) and Musk's monthly donation.

Kamala has grassroots, which is good, but...
1 months ago
people who are donating what they can spare won't be able to keep it up forever.

Chestnut https://images.plurk.com/5YolLC2Yv3d4hw8mnZmPaV.pngA Rising Democrat Leans Into the Campus Fight Over A...
1 months ago
You said "from the bio he reads like a Zionist" so I was questioning that. Fact is the racist, anti semitic, xenophobic voters in the US will not vote for a Black woman and a Jew on one ticket. Its ok to say that, rather than say his support of Israel is the problem, because virtually everyone in the Senate/House supports Israel
1 months ago
I say this as a Jew, btw.
1 months ago @Edit 1 months ago
Chestnut: Thank you, I'll keep that in mind.
sef_lopod thinks
1 months ago
the rampant misogyny, racism and everything else-ism makes most options a liability for a lot of voters (unlike actual criminals!). So Kamala has being a woman & non-white against her. Bernie has age and socialism. Buttigieg has homosexuality.
1 months ago
sef_lopod thinks
1 months ago
someone else had something real against Mark Kelly but I don't recall what it was (because it's not my election and I'm failing to care enough to take adequate notes!).
1 months ago
Oh cool, in Project 2025 they write they are going to remove overtime pay. Cool. So people have to do even more different jobs cause they wont get more money in one job by working longer.
1 months ago
1 months ago
"ALL public school students will be required to take the military entrance exam. Wealthy private school students will be exempt."
1 months ago
In Project 2025, faith-based nonprofits will be prioritized over secular nonprofits for government grants.

Any educator or librarian with a book on their shelf that the government has deemed pornography will be required to register as a sex offender.
1 months ago
1 months ago
Hillary, unfortunately, carries a lot of baggage. She would truly be an amazing president, but will never get the chance.
1 months ago
Harris will need to court the undecided and those Republicans who haven’t already sold their souls to Hair Führer, so (sadly) there is no chance for ‘a gay’ on the ticket. Having an ‘uppity black woman’ running already means she’ll lose large swathes of the nominally-Republicans.
1 months ago
I don’t know enough about any of the others to have an opinion, other than whoever she chooses, I will vote for that ticket like my life depends on it. Which it literally could, if the fascists win.
1 months ago
(For those on Teeg’s timeline who don’t know me, I am a gay atheist, so already have two huge targets painted on me.)
1 months ago @Edit 1 months ago
That's why I think that Mark Kelly or Beshear might be good. MAN, white, not too young. Just the person for the average white straight male voter.
1 months ago
Except there's something I do not know about those two. :-P
1 months ago
Tillie: You're probably right. I'd love to see more boundaries pushed, but just getting Kamala in office is a major win.
1 months ago @Edit 1 months ago
Good chances to win, I wouldn't risk it by bringing in too much stuff.
1 months ago
People who'd vote for Buttigieg probably already would vote for Kamala anyway... I think, so sure he's pretty good at political work and talking, but not sure that would bring in people from other groups that Kamala doesn't bring already.
1 months ago @Edit 1 months ago
Buttigieg would also just add another point for MAGA to yell against.
1 months ago @Edit 1 months ago
Minimize the things they can find, so that they have to come up with REALLY stupid things that repells everyone.
1 months ago
Marc Kell might even bring back some of the military that defected to voting for Republicans?
1 months ago
As an astronaut he's also a hero for many, then he might have some talking points about gun control and shit... his wife was almost killed in a shooting.
1 months ago
I think he might be a really good choice.
L Halanksmas☞
1 months ago
i’m thinking jessica rabbit
if the Rs lost their shit over the green m&m i’m thinking her cartoon breasts will be a huge draw and when kim jong 🍊 screams she’s a cartoon character we can ask and you’re not?
1 months ago
Tillie: Kelly seems to be the running favorite.
1 months ago
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