1 months ago
VTM: Okay, I both respect and hate the location system. You can have locations and draw influence from them. For example, if you own a bank, you have +3 resources for one check each game. My character has a radio station. next mission is a recording studio. The problem is you can't just bullshit stock locations.
1 months ago
so I have to google physical locations in Greensboro and if it's unoccupied I get a list of what it gives (resources or influence) and requirements (skills and resources) needed to claim it
1 months ago
the idea is to prevent players stacking up bullshit resources like 'i want all the banks, the city hall and the airport.' you have to specify what each place is, more benefits, harder requirements. so, i understand why it works the way it works but it kind of sucks sometimes.
1 months ago
Ohhhhh okay that is fkin neat though