kicks down the door i just had the dumbest argument about star wars
latest #30
so i brought up rogue one lmao
and dude is like "it invalidated a new hope because a new hope is about a hero defeating an all powerful evil and having someone INTENTIONALLY putting a flaw in the death star changes everything!!"
not about a retcon but it thematically
i'm gonna beat that dude's ass
to which several of us pointed out that if anything the intention makes the empire more arrogant because they knew erso was sus and didn't do anything to stop it
him: empire arrogant
us: ok but this makes it more obvious just how arrogant
him: no not like that
i was gonna say that is LITERALLY the dumbest take, because if anything the fact that they overlooked what galen erso built into the design reinforces the themes and the empire's arrogance and them being the architects of their own downfall what the hell
lensflares: you should it is so deserved
he is so wrapped up in like luke's magic heroic plot armour and the unbeatable machine of the empire that somehow any of the Little People doing anything at all ruins the illusion for him i guess
he wanted the flaw in the death star to be "naturally designed"
posts the entire chat who cares
no one reads my plurk lmao
LMFAO OK DUDE even literally in 1977 the story wasn't about luke accomplishing everything alone, it was all about the other people who also got him there
star wars has literally always been a story about community action and rogue one and andor only served to reinforce themes that have been there since 1977 and that's why they were good!!
because i can acknowledge the heroism without ignoring everyone else this isn't hard like???
this is basic hero's journey shit my dude
so i dropped the instruments of destruction fic because it's excellent and i no longer want to have this argument but god
of all the rogue one discourse i was bracing for it wasn't this lol
miles you ass
1 months ago
what the fuck is that take lol
oh my god??????
how's it feel to be so wrong
it's like we were watching two different movies
also someone came in at the end like
"bro you always have these weirdly 'sympathetic to the fascists' takes"
since it sounded like his issue was that galen erso made the empire look less powerful
empire lost sucks for u
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