Lynx and Paint
1 months ago
[health] Updates for my wrist:
latest #12
Lynx and Paint
1 months ago
Went to the doctor this morning, confirmed that the strain from working has affected the muscles in my arm and that it will heal, but needs time and effort for it
Lynx and Paint
1 months ago
no drawing for two weeks, keep using the gel, wear my wrist brace every minute of the day that I can (so don't use my right hand if at all possible)
🐅 its harry
1 months ago
Lynx and Paint
1 months ago
and when I got back I made an appointment with a physiotherapist/hand therapist for next Wednesday, and I wish that was sooner
Lynx and Paint
1 months ago
the studio and the work injury place have at least been helpful, but bluuuuuugh not being able to draw wrecks me emotionally
Lynx and Paint
1 months ago
I want to get back to my hobby drawing too, but still not sure yet when I can do that, because I might need to ease back in with less hours...
Lynx and Paint
1 months ago
bweeehhhh I thought I was doing everything right for this...
Lynx and Paint
1 months ago
I need the physiotherapist to give me a solid list of stretches/strength-building exercises I can do in the future so that this doesn't happen again...
🐅 its harry
1 months ago
MMMM . good luck :C
Lynx and Paint
1 months ago
ultimately you probably were doing everything right - once an injury has occurred it's more likely to recur, that's just the nature of human bodies
Lynx and Paint
1 months ago
heckin' human bodies!
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