2 months ago
when my mom was a kid there was a white standard poodle in her neighborhood named Snowball but everybody called him Sneeblatt
latest #8
2 months ago
next cat i have is gonna be called Sneeblatt i don't care what color it is
quiznos coyote
2 months ago
that's a beautiful name. elegant. descriptive
2 months ago
really tells u what kind of character they are. a sneeblatt.
2 months ago
ah like Schawrtzy but not as questionable
quiznos coyote
2 months ago
may the cat distribution system bless you with sneeblatt soon
quiznos coyote
2 months ago
this reminds me i watched a video of a vet's office where they were polling people about the names they were tired of seeing and the first one was "bella". v. sure they don't get a lot of sneeblatts.
2 months ago
it's spelled "Snowball" but it's pronounced "Sneeblatt"
2 months ago
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