[Cat Health] Good news! No big TMI this time.
latest #18
We got the cultures back today and we have actually managed a miracle. With the help of the Clavamox and the .... extraction (that's the polite way to put it) that I managed, both antibiotic resistant bacteria were gone.
What's left is antibiotic sensitive! So he's getting another course of amoxicillin and a sulfa... Let me find the name because it's big.
Sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim. Two weeks of that and amoxicillin and he'll be all cleared up!
He's going to hate me for the next two weeks, but I don't care. It'll get him healthy.
(Plus every time he takes meds, he gets a churu, so maybe he won't hate me too much.)
Also, my vet sent me coupons for the medicine so instead of paying ~$100, I'll be paying slightly south of $30.
1 months ago
Great news!📰
yay for mister mer!
Now I just need to find out what time the meds will be ready.
OH GOOD that's a relief to hear!
Oh no, they flavoured one of them cherry.
He's going to hate this lmao
for a... cat...?
I'm pretty sure at this point that they just put flavour in amoxicillin through muscle memory.
Oh no... Maybe roll it in some tuna first.
It's liquid so I can just squirt it down his throat, he'll just hate me while I do it.
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