2 months ago
worse than Total Writer's Block is when you have one of those days where you have a neverending deluge of words to put down but none of them are Right
latest #7
2 months ago
so you know that tomorrow you're gonna come back and reread the hours of shit you put down and just scrap all of it
2 months ago
this is a lot of suffering over nothing, I think, unable to stop shitting up Microsoft Word surreptitiously while at work
a ghost
2 months ago
better to get the idea out as something really rough than forget it
2 months ago
oh sure
2 months ago
I just know they are ideas which I will look at a week from now and go "this is dumb" and delete it
2 months ago
Killing Your Darlings is one thing but nobody warns you how much it sjcka to have to Cherish Your Bastards as well
2 months ago
btw that word was meant to be "sucks" but i was on my phone at work because i'm a terrible employee
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