anyone else ever have a transvaginal ultrasound? I have endometriosis and PCOS and I'm still bleeding from it three days later. it was beyond painful.
they did the ultrasound to determine what else needs to happen before an endo-scrub and if there's more there/anything cancerous.
oh my god, yes. no one told me it was going to be painful, and it was honestly the most painful thing that I have ever experienced. I cried the whole time, and I generally have a pretty decent pain tolerance.
I'm so sorry you're still bleeding from it, maybe they damaged some tissue while they were doing it. I would let your doctor know.
omgwtfbarb: I cried the entire time. afterwards. once I got home. that night.
did they see anything on yours? the tech who did mine was looking for cysts on my ovaries and at the end she said "I don't see any cysts on your ovaries" and I said "So I don't have them?" and she said "You might still have them, I just can't see any". So it was basically inconclusive and a waste of fucking time.
then I looked it up and saw nurses making fun of patients that were in pain over it
omgwtfbarb: mine wouldn't tell me if there were or not and wasn't allowed to disclose. but told me to look at my portal asap the moment it was released. and to make an appt with my obgyn the moment it was up. I needed to do this pre-op anyways.
she said it'd be up prolly Wednesday
it was GENUINELY excruciatingly painful! I have 2 tattoos that were easy peasy. I get really bad migraines. I've had intensely painful periods my entire life. None of that even came close to how painful it was.
Transvaginal hurts? I’m so sorry you guys I’ve had a lot of but only ever when I was pregnant so maybe it’s different then. I’m
So so sorry
the healthcare system minimizing women's pain is so fucking infuriating.
I wish I had any nuggets of advice but hell
I just want to hug you both
I genuinely don't understand why it WOULDN'T hurt? They were digging around inside my fucking vagina. for fuck's sake.
omgwtfbarb: ever since my tubal ligation + added mirena, I get blindingly bad cramps. like black out bad. it's why I got another papsmear 3years early. I thought maybe they implanted my mirena wrong (they added it for my endometriosis)
ohhhh. I can't have a hormonal IUD because of PCOS, because of that exact reason. It'll make my periods so much worse and more painful.
but oby said it was implanted fine. when I had my tubal, my surgeon wanted to have surgery for endometriosis
I only just got diagnosed with pcos this month. ToT. I finish my blood work with it tomorrow
Gidge: I mean I imagine it's also maybe easier for a tech to see a baby in your uterus than to try and locate cysts that could be any size, on any side/part of your ovaries? Maybe that has something to do with it
omgwtfbarb: I had it for pregnancy like Gidge and in that situation it didn't hurt but I think they like BARELY stuck it in
oh yeah, with me they were quite literally digging around in my insides. aggressively. for like 20 minutes.
I bet that’s it- they don’t have to dig around in that situation
I used to have to get them done multiple times a month when I was going through my fertility treatment. I never had it hurt once. I'm so sorry you had that experience.
I've had one twice, once when I was being treated for excessive bleeding that I had the ablation therapy to resolve, and the second time when I was trying to figure out that weird pain in my side that went away after I stopped taking my old migraine med. The first time, it didnt hurt, the second time I was super uncomfortable but didn't have serious pain.
it's def diff if you have endometriosis and pcos
it was extremely painful. I honestly still am having flashbacks from it.
Routinely since I was 19 bc of PCOS, and it hurts every time. Usually bleeding has been minor, but I medicate before and after and I avoid making the appointments until I can't anymore.
Get your DR to do the US themselves or ask for someone different. While it is uncomfortable you should not be in lasting paint and if there is lasting pain then there's another issue they need to address.
transvaginal ultrasound is part of the annual exam here, always done by the obgyn. I find them uncomfortable, but not painful. i wonder are pap smears less painful to you guys? i personally find those much more uncomfortable than the ultrasound.
IzzieButton: my pap smears are painful but not nearly as bad and I like my doctor that does them. she was so fast. I have trauma from one when I was younger that was painful and had long nails. pinched me with her appliance too.
but she noticed how much pain I was in during pap and really pushed for the ultrasound
if you’re still bleeding 3 days after any procedure I’d give them a call and get an appt
Sasscassmiddles: i'm so sorry you have to go through this. i second what Polyester says
I had one last year and I was shocked by how much it hurt. I have a high pain tolerance threshold, too. I’m sorry it was rough for you, too.