latest #12
anyway today is the first day with no work
making a real effort not to be stressed out about it but
credit to the payroll lady for being like
hey update your hours (so i can pay you for an extra day)
like hell yeah i will take that
my coworker gave me the info of the agent that has found him jobs one after another the last several contracts he's worked so I gave him my info last week and he's looking into things. The people at this company are doing the same. I put in many apps every day and will probably throw as many as I can out there today.
The jobs exist....
oh this week was hmm
so many applications!!
it's frustrating because there are so many things that fit my experience perfectly and then i get the bullshit "we've decided to go with other candidates" blah blah
and then it's also been 105+ degrees every day for like the last 2 weeks
tonight it's cooled off thankfully but it's been miserable and just stressed and angry and blegh
and my back hurts but i just took a pill for that
intensely frustrating because my boss didn't want me to go and neither did my coworkers but gotta go because they want to retrain someone to take over my job so they can pay them $1 less an hour
or alternatively $17,000 more a year if they happen to live in washington because that makes sense
but if i think about that too much it makes me depressed and angry SO i am gonna think about my blorbos instead
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