Mister Cyborg
3 weeks ago
Anime Fans: Boy, Frieren and Dungeon Meshi are awesome! Fantasy anime world building can't get better!

Crunchyroll: Hold my beer.

Witch Hat Atelier | OFFICIAL TRAILER
latest #9
Tonberry King
3 weeks ago
Skippa Skippa
3 weeks ago
I will probably never watch Frieren so maybe I’ll check this out instead
Mister Cyborg
3 weeks ago
FullOfBees: Witch Hat Atiler is definitely your thing. I think you'll love the girls.
Skippa Skippa
3 weeks ago
Yeah it definitely sounds interesting
Skippa Skippa
3 weeks ago
Although it’s probably going to take me a bit to jive with one of my favorite types of magic being essentially illegal
Mister Cyborg
3 weeks ago
That conflict is what allows a lot of the themes of the story shine through.
Mister Cyborg
3 weeks ago
The manga is a huge middle finger to all the people who argue "Why would anyone use a wheelchair in a world with do-anything magic?"
Mister Cyborg
3 weeks ago
FullOfBees: even if you don't totally love it from the beginning I hope you at least stick it out til the 'Second test' arc cause that's where I KNOW you're going to like it.
Mister Cyborg
3 weeks ago
Oh yes, also, my prediction, Olrugio is going to be the character everyone goes meme-happy with.
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