Why try to fight with people for viewing space when you can just look out your window? https://images.plurk.com/Ox38aaMmgz8G07qYQDuFY.jpg Aka I love where my apartment is sometimes.
latest #10
Especially when I got home bare minutes before they started
5 days ago
Pretty~ Our show here was much quieter, which I appreciate. We have too many animals around here for it to go on and on and on. My neighbors have thoroughly complained in the past years, bless them.
I remember one year, deer were running this way and that, scared out of their wits. 8(
I watched the Seattle show from south lake union.
I don't think our deer care. They're very much the definition of 'no fucks given' about most things. I just happen to live close to the water where they put them off from a barge.
TheHats: Friend's place or just found a spot?
Found a spot on the docks there.
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