3 weeks ago
the beginning of the end thoughts!
latest #26
3 weeks ago
Oh boy Altair is going to be a wreck lol
3 weeks ago
Altair's main goal in ryslig has always been to find a way to bring his friends back from the sea of stars
3 weeks ago
watching the stars forever disappear while he can do nothing to stop it will be devestating!
3 weeks ago
It will also dredge up how hopeless he was when his world was destroyed so there is a final chance to get that lore for anyone who is interested!
3 weeks ago
I'm thinking of having him go berserk for the last time as he attacks anyone he thinks could hurt the few friends he has left. (since he's going berserk he will attack said friends too but berserk Altair won't realize that)
3 weeks ago
he also will not trust any humans now that monsters can be permanently killed, so the likelihood of Altair reverting to his murderous self in order to protect his friends is very high
3 weeks ago
as tempted as I am to have him go all dark, I don't want to destroy all the growth he has gone through in ryslig so he won't go on a killing spree (minus berserk rage) unless something terrible happens to his friends
3 weeks ago
he will think it though
3 weeks ago
also I want him to get pulled into the new dyster since as a neutral character he has never been to either god domain.
3 weeks ago
for Altair's last berserk rage I don't want to kill anyone or have Altair killed. I would hate to make someone miss out on the rest of the endgame
3 weeks ago
//raises hand// I volunteer beating some sense back into Altair lmao
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
Altair will be horrified he tried to kill Crash afterward lol
3 weeks ago
Crash says it's nbd XD
3 weeks ago
lol Crash is great!
3 weeks ago
maybe Altair will learn why the boy is so overforgiving but nobody has done worse to him than Cortex lmao
3 weeks ago
yeah Altair is very concerned about Crash, but he will also be relieved that Crash forgives him
mods have said dying besides crawling into the abyss-hole all monsters will instaresurrect, not permadie :v
at least for now anyways! jsyk death isn't suddenly more dangerous than the usual
3 weeks ago
ooh interesting! I missed that
I asked specifically because your concerns in this plurk made stop and think XD
3 weeks ago
lol thanks for asking!
3 weeks ago
hmm I just realized that the monster temp event is still going so unless I have Altair switch back into a troll early he would still be a lich.
3 weeks ago
or, I could still have as a troll when he notices the missing stars and then have him turn back into a lich at the end of his berserk rage since this monster swap allows for multiple changes?
3 weeks ago
decisions (thinking)
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