vitamin cee
3 days ago
[pagan-y] refreshed my altar cause something nasty be floating around
latest #24
vitamin cee
3 days ago
context: i am pagan-ish/witchy-esque it's a Long Story (i grew up in a super super conservative sect, we deconstructing, it's fine) but i like crystals and candles and tarot and such
vitamin cee
3 days ago
StarFruity: THAT'S MY LIL DEER GUY i did this whole deep dive of research into like....deconstructing-from-evangelicalism patron gods and cernunnos kept coming up over and over so the deer represents him!
oooh that's so cool!! he's very cute
vitamin cee
3 days ago
the picture represents some vaguely feminine-y force but idk who she is /loud shrugging
vitamin cee
3 days ago
he's very cute i think he's meant to be a christmas ornament??
IDK YOU KNOW MORE'N ME i just love the vibes and aesthetic and learning what i can, it's so fascinating to me
vitamin cee
3 days ago
vitamin cee
3 days ago
SAME like idk how much i believe in astrology or tarot or the like it's more like...a comforting thing to fill the void from leaving the church
vitamin cee
3 days ago
and having a specific Guy to talk to and ask for help has been nice for me cause i was SO used to that
vitamin cee
3 days ago
but yeah last year was my BIG learning about how spirituality and a belief system fits into my life again
vitamin cee
3 days ago
and i do feel better when things are all spruced up and candles are burned and whatnot~
gay lil sperm
3 days ago
It’s so lovely Cee’
vitamin cee
3 days ago
tentaclemonster: thank youuuuuu i love my lil deer friend :3
gay lil sperm
3 days ago
I believe they will help! They have to, they’re so sincere looking.
vitamin cee
3 days ago
the pinecone is also special cause i found it on my railing the day after i started doing all my research, so
vitamin cee
3 days ago
it's a gift from my guy
3 days ago
omg I love
3 days ago
we one day will have to have Deep Conversations because I will talk for forever about witchy shit, I'm so obnoxious
vitamin cee
3 days ago
Y E S omg i'd love that i'm still so so so new at things but i love 2 learn
3 days ago
I love new, tho, new is exciting, and fresh perspectives!
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