welp time to listen to 4 episodes about how another one of my heroes is a fucking creep I guess
Even if it's completely consensual, sleeping with your kid's nanny is just play weird.
i wish i could explain just how easy it is not to be a predator, y'know?
it's like... IT'S REALLY EASY
Yeah there’s just no sleeping with less-than-half-your-age employee/fan that’s ok
i feel like i knew that he and amanda were polly, and i THINK the thing about the nanny came out at the time, but not that it wasn't consensual
(i could be thinking about jude law tho)
Yeah the comments mention he’s openly part of a big scifi polycule which has rules including “no employees or the employees of other members” WHICH HEY GREAT RULE
x 10,000
it feels especially violating that he's someone who you love almost specifically for being thoughtful with his words and actions can somehow, at the very same time, make decisions that are exceptionally easy, even by the most dim-witted, to not make
like, you mean the guy who wrote stardust?
I'm not trying to defend Gaiman, but I want to point out that the source of this that you linked is a TERF media thing and UK TERFs are currently trying to do a lot of shit against David Tennant for him calling TERFs out and this is probably linked to that.
oof, did not know about the terf media thing
thank you for letting me know
so this is probably extremely suspect at best.
I would take caution on believing this until it's not covered by people who actively want people who believe in trans rights dead, since Neil Gaiman is also pro-trans rights.
i mean, oz mentioned this in her plurk, but even at the most charitably it's someone in a relationship with women half his age in a clear power imbalance
Yeah, apparently the person hosting the podcast is Boris Johnson's sister.
which, at the very least, seems to be confirmed on gaiman's side
Have you paid attention to British Media?
they make Fox News look truthful.
i think my point still stands? like, the relationships were at the very least confirmed by gaiman himself
yeah even if it was consensual the power dynamic is gross