vitamin cee
4 days ago @Edit 4 days ago
latest #97
vitamin cee
4 days ago
we'll see ig
vitamin cee
4 days ago
anyways gifs because even though emma isn't the right alia ~vibes~ she's very very hot and intense
vitamin cee
4 days ago also v good is menu!anya if i believed in the ginger alia theory i'd definitely have icons from this
vitamin cee
4 days ago
her mouth is so pointy
vitamin cee
4 days ago
it IS her weird intense pouty mouth and big O_O eyes
vitamin cee
4 days ago hot tbh
ginger anya is my favorite anya but also i simp for redheads so am i surprising anyone
vitamin cee
4 days ago
she's REALLY GOOD i'm sad she's only been ginger like 2x
god i fuckin love her/her in the menu
vitamin cee
4 days ago
RIGHT everything she does is a hit
vitamin cee
4 days ago
her in the vvitch? don't even talk 2 me (i have a thomasin journal too ofc)
vitamin cee
4 days ago
denis hurry up with dune messiah i want more of my weird girl!!
vitamin cee
4 days ago
i really do love the duality of alia and koby in salt, they're both different versions of unhinged
vitamin cee
4 days ago
koby having weird intense self-confidence-boosting hookups and alia drinking as much blood as possible
vitamin cee
4 days ago alia in salt tbh
why is koby so cute
vitamin cee
4 days ago
he's baby he just wants to help people and be good at stuff and have friends
4 days ago
koby is so cute ..... matt struggling not to hug
vitamin cee
4 days ago
he's so cute and weird with affection like he loves it so much but never initiates little guy
4 days ago
honestly maybe matt WILL hug and then be like `wait this is too much for a guy whose room i broke into all i wanted was an affirming queer moment' and then bail bail bail
vitamin cee
4 days ago
omg I love that koby like "I feel supported but also weird"
vitamin cee
4 days ago
he ran so fast
4 days ago
vitamin cee
4 days ago
Matt said driveby trans rights
4 days ago
4 days ago
driveby ally
4 days ago
it's less a pride parade and more a pride 40m dash
vitamin cee
4 days ago
also me waking up 2 two different PMs from OPLAs asking me when salts tdm goes up
4 days ago
vitamin cee
4 days ago
4 days ago
send in the clown
vitamin cee
4 days ago
koby would h8 the clown so fucking much therefore we need the clown
zoro needs to throw the clown's head into the maze and make his body find it
4 days ago
omg sends u good opla cast vibes
vitamin cee
4 days ago
MANIFESTING also what if i track all my tags...what if
vitamin cee
4 days ago
can u imagein
i did that once w a spreadsheet and it was fun!! until i forgot to do it and then was too lazy to backtrack LMAO
vitamin cee
4 days ago
clasps ur hands
vitamin cee
4 days ago
vitamin cee
4 days ago
i used to have thread trackers i kept updated RELIGIOUSLY...and CR charts....i used 2 be young
ah... the days when i was not an old tired hag......
vitamin cee
4 days ago
i look at my boomerang days like "who were you. where did you go"
vitamin cee
4 days ago
on the flip side i'm a moderately better writer now, so!!! life is full of trade-offs
vitamin cee
4 days ago
tags for kobert are done -- i have a qt one with a luffy and i'm gnawing at it like a delicious steak
vitamin cee
4 days ago
koby >> eddie, "sorry you have a friend named steve"
koby >> tim, they're!!! qt
vitamin cee
4 days ago
koby >> matt they're ALSO CUTE
vitamin cee
4 days ago
koby >> bellamy, i love using all the hot!koby icons for the event, b l e s s
vitamin cee
4 days ago bites him
vitamin cee
4 days ago be in more stuff i h8 u
4 days ago
4 days ago
vitamin cee
4 days ago
vitamin cee
4 days ago in a completely different vibe: saltburntcore
vitamin cee
4 days ago
ONTO ALIA TAGS even though i am fading fast i meal prepped and showered and am so eepy
vitamin cee
4 days ago
alia >> matt, weird mental sex or DIE
vitamin cee
4 days ago
me like "hm how should i nerf alia's powers in salt....they only work if it's sexy"
vitamin cee
4 days ago
alia >> tim, saint alia feelings!!
vitamin cee
4 days ago
both my guys are having Soft threads with tim, i love!!
vitamin cee
4 days ago
or, well, introspective heartfelt ones
4 days ago
oh my gggggoDDD
vitamin cee
4 days ago
IMMEDIATELY drops a "good boy"
vitamin cee
4 days ago
okay all my log tags are within the last 24 hours proud of Me
vitamin cee
4 days ago
onto !!
4 days ago
tim is a soft boy and he almost became a priest ok he's a good confidante
vitamin cee
4 days ago
he's the EBST
vitamin cee
4 days ago
best, even
3 days ago
vitamin cee
3 days ago
anyway I did most of my tags but got tired keeping track of them so I'll just vaguely commentate as god intended
vitamin cee
3 days ago
very excited for tdm on Saturday I might tl Corry
vitamin cee
3 days ago
idk if I'd app him but...bastard man....
vitamin cee
2 days ago
koby having a surprisingly nice time getting kissed and hooking up with hot guys but also immediately like "THANK F U C K" when there's even a Hint of Investigation
vitamin cee
2 days ago
incurably nosy guy!!
2 days ago
...wait did you day tdm with corry
2 days ago
you summoned me with that
vitamin cee
2 days ago
SCREAM i was gonna toss him onto the saltburnt tdm yesssss
2 days ago
I just skimmed "bastard man" and was like "my boy!"
vitamin cee
2 days ago
H I M i love that his voice comes and goes in waves but never quite leaves
vitamin cee
2 days ago
also koby being like "homophobia is BAD"
vitamin cee
2 days ago
is cracking me up
vitamin cee
2 days ago
idek if there's homophobia in one piece land like...there's a devil fruit that transes your gender
vitamin cee
2 days ago
i know some people have HARDCORE gender roles but in general...idk
2 days ago
trying to translate realistic period pieces about homophobia and repression to fuckin. anime pirate fantasies
2 days ago
vitamin cee
2 days ago
R I G H T my own fault i chose this canon
vitamin cee
2 days ago
also koby saying the straw hats are important to
vitamin cee
2 days ago
he loves them and he worries about them those are his friends now
vitamin cee
2 days ago
this is a psl but koby's luffy shrine is real 2 me
I love it. It's real to me now too
vitamin cee
2 days ago
THANK U it's deeply in character I think
Luffy just "oh hey that's me :3 "
vitamin cee
2 days ago
koby, who has never once been normal about luffy: I'm so normal!!! regular friends keep shrines of each other ofc
The most normal! Now Koby needs a wanted poster.
2 days ago
fellas is it gay to track your friend's rising bounty
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