4 days ago
“Today’s decision to grant former presidents criminal immunity reshapes the institution of the presidency. It makes a mockery of the principle, foundational to our Constitution and system of government, that no man is above the law.”

Sonia Sotomayor
latest #16
4 days ago
This ruling is frightening.
sef_lopod thinks
4 days ago
it's a seriously corrupt court in the USA at the moment.
4 days ago
oh my GOD
4 days ago
fucking shit.
4 days ago
oh wait it doesn't count for acts committed privately. that's something.
4 days ago
Gidge: That, but there's so much wiggle room that no one really knows exactly what it will cover yet. It's ridiculous, and I'm trying not to freak out over this plus the other recent decisions.
4 days ago
The ruling allowing basically anyone to challenge any federal rule no matter how old, so that conservatives can override everything the government has implemented to protect citizens, is on par with this one as being a complete disaster for the country.
4 days ago
I have been on the edge of freaking out since the end of last week. Just the thought of everything that's been undone with this court, and how long and how many fights it'll take to fix it ... I'm at a loss.
4 days ago
I just can’t even think about it, it’s such a cluster
4 days ago
I'm just sitting in the corner having an existential crisis.
4 days ago
the Supreme Court is a stacked mockery of justice. It is no longer an institute of justice, but of power and corruption and it's sickening.
4 days ago
Sotomayor is right on.
4 days ago
it's unbelievable and sorry to say , very corrupt
3 days ago
The "lawmakers" just need to make a list now what's "private" and what's not and make it a fucking law.
3 days ago @Edit 3 days ago
I mean, most of the shit SCOTUS is overturning or ruling against is all the stuff no one ever cared to make it a law. JUST DO IT now.
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