Officially put in my two weeks notice today. It feels so unreal and bittersweet.
latest #16
They were sad, of course, but not surprised. The pay they're offering just isn't competitive
There are good people at this work place. There is just also too much incompetence on how to run a medium to large business that I'm too old to want to put in the effort of helping them to find their footing.
So management knows. There were tears. Everyone else is being told tomorrow.
2 days ago
oh I'm so glad you got the new job, it sounded miserable where you are currently
There has been more low than highs. I'm still a bit nervous about leaving, but as annoyed as I was at the situation - I did really enjoy working with most of my coworkers. It was so refreshing to be in a team where no one slacked off
2 days ago
I am super chuffed for you.
2 days ago
Happy for your jump to the new job! I hope all goes as well as it can do.
my fingers are crossed! I actually had someone from the new job call me because they noticed I wasn't taking any time off between switching jobs. They wanted to check if I thought I had to start right away or if I was concerned about money. Because she thought everyone deserves a mini holiday when switching jobs.
She was calling because she wanted to push my start date back a week, but wasn't going to do it if I was worried about money. It was nice of her to check and I just admitted that I'm just not good at not working (LOL)
2 days ago
That's a VERY good sign. I'm excited for you to have that.
Yeah, I'm really hoping this is a good move. As I keep telling myself - even if it's different than advertised again at least I'm making 20% more than the last place
Awww~ Good then, even if a job is crazy, immediate supervisors looking out for you is always a good sign.
2 days ago
That’s nice of the new job!
Not my direct manager, unfortunately, but someone in HR
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