New Month! New Tagplurk!!
latest #58
RS > Ryou
Grimmkitty pinging you into the new month's - SO FUN STORY, idk if you noticed but I was planning to nerf away RS' possession ability but then Ash said I could keep it??
5 days ago
5 days ago
i read your app and acceptance like a weirdo
so how worried Ryou should be depends on us, basically
oh no worries I read other folks' all the time
5 days ago
Tbh if you want RS to possess him, feel free! How long, and the extent of what he intends to do will affect their future interactions, lol
5 days ago
and if RS was so inclined, he could open up the filing cabinet of Ryou's memories and figure out why he's being so squirrely
RS should someday find out what's Wrong With Him tbh
cause rn he's just "I am a harmless little necklace demon, why is my host so unfair u_u"

despite being very clearly not harmless

it's still nowhere near "btw you're literally trying to destroy the entire world"
5 days ago
He could see flashes, maybe? :|a
5 days ago
like a little taste to think about
yeah... he's already freaked out because omg he has feelings and he's being made to think about them, augh, so like.
I think... possess Ryou, maintain for the rest of the trip Down, just long enough to Check The History.

I'll let you pick what he actually gets to find out about? and then when they reach the bottom RS can disengage and Reflect On whatever he learned
what do you think?
5 days ago
I'm cool with that! do you have any limits for what you want me to exclude? =O
nope! whatever you think would be Neat for RS to Know
5 days ago
cool cool! =w=b
5 days ago
rs like "i'm a god?!"
.....but he's also part tkb so this thrills him. "h-hahaha! that figures!"
managed x9 last round! :0
which is good because then brain clogged for a night. new round now!
congratulations you have unlocked a new emotion
RS: I don't like this one, take it back
RS > Runa tag-in
3 days ago
i need to sleep for the love of god but rereading my tag and i'm laughing because ryou was talking all that smack before and then as soon as he's unpossessed he's like "are you ok?"
3 days ago
some of it is he's waking up from being nowhere but also bitch your standards
3 days ago
he's such a weird little guy
"You stabbed me! on multiple occasions! >:V"
"wait that didn't hurt your feelings or anything right :<"
3 days ago
to be fair to him. he has NO IDEA what RS saw and if he gets told/puts it together with the face, he's going to be so ?????? about it
3 days ago
"you did that to me why do you look like you don't like you did that"
RS does not particularly want to admit he has feelings,,,
3 days ago
truly rs has chosen to view the problem he has created
3 days ago
in Ryslig there were a lot of factors helping wear RS down
he's a bit stronger on the tsun without it
(but also earlier canon point means he's less used to the cognitive dissonance he invokes on himself)
3 days ago
He's Done This To Himself.
3 days ago
now perish, ring man
[insert Krystal's thumbs-up into the lava emote]
new round again!
RS > Atem
RS > Altair
RS > Ryou
x5 done
2 days ago
don't ask me why i'm awake. just judge ryou for his gambit. :')
new round attempt! kinda tired from dinner and heat, so we'll see how much I get done.
RS > Verosika
RS > Runa I hope I'm not over-CW'ing, I never know when to warn for weird brain stuff
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