vitamin cee
6 days ago today I went 2 the river for mental health and also birthday celebration reasons
latest #20
omg beauty...... cee b day!!!!!
Haunted Boobs
6 days ago
Oh hell yeah
vitamin cee
6 days ago
NO ALAS friend of mine's day
vitamin cee
6 days ago
mine is august because i'm Leo
vitamin cee
6 days ago
(best sign tyvm)
vitamin cee
6 days ago
but the water was SO FCKING COLD it's glacier run-off
Haunted Boobs
6 days ago
Oh man glacier runoff is an experience!
vitamin cee
6 days ago
i went in THREE TIMES
vitamin cee
6 days ago
and i was the first person to go in bcause i had to make up for falling down the hill on the way to the beach
vitamin cee
6 days ago
(in my defense it was literally like a sheer cliff of squishy dirt and i was wearing a DRESS and BIRKENSTOCKS cause nobody told me we would be HIKING)
omg i hope u had a good time tho
vitamin cee
6 days ago
got a rly bad blister and my arms are scratched all to fuck from the blackberry bushes BUT
vitamin cee
6 days ago
i went into the river first, so i Win
n a t u r e
vitamin cee
6 days ago
i rly did even though i SUFFERED
vitamin cee
6 days ago
i splashed around pretending to be a coelacanth so worth it
6 days ago
that sounds perfect
gay lil sperm
6 days ago
Sometimes you just gotta go to the river
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