all the way
3 days ago
I think the child would be happy to know that after 4 1/2 years of listening to almost exclusively kpop, I have a new obsession.
latest #7
all the way
3 days ago
Of course, I did just send him a tiktok of the main guy and said that I thought he was good looking which horrified the boy to no end but what does he want? I've got EYES!
all the way
3 days ago
To be fair, two of my baby co-workers at Wal-mart last year told me to listen, and I did, but upon doing it again I'm like oh yeah you're scratching all the right itches.
all the way
3 days ago
Hehe, I sent a vid and said '10/10 would [redacted] that old man' - the character, I'm slightly older than the guy himself, and kid was like NO!!!!
all the way
3 days ago
This is so fun, let's see how much more I can traumatize him with thirst heeeheheheh.
all the way
3 days ago
I'm like do you know nothing about me? Your mother had her entire room - and both sides of her bedroom door - plastered in Backstreet Boys posters and cutouts.
all the way
3 days ago
You've SEEN how I am with kpop idols. What made you think this would be any different?
all the way
3 days ago
Now you have a metal(ish) stepdad. Get used to it.
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