vitamin cee
1 weeks ago
pwm for Julyyyy
latest #41
1 weeks ago
i vote matt amps up his efforts to boost koby's confidence
Alia and Furiosa stalk around the mansion like they're the twins from the shining
vitamin cee
1 weeks ago
wow and then i went in2 a bead-sorting fugue SORRY OKAY HI
1 weeks ago
hahaha i feel you, ive been sewing for like 5 hours straight
vitamin cee
1 weeks ago
vitamin cee
1 weeks ago
vitamin cee
1 weeks ago
plans are really to have kobes be a nerd and learn as much as he possibly can~
vitamin cee
1 weeks ago
try to help out anyone who's trying to solve The Mystery
vitamin cee
1 weeks ago
is v. similar, he's helping daniel (and feels So Special) and talking to EVERYONE and keeping detailed notes of EVERYTHING nosy little brat
vitamin cee
1 weeks ago
he's also compartmentalized everything that happened at the nightclub, not because he's ashamed or regrets it but because it's So Much he can't even conceptualize it right now
vitamin cee
1 weeks ago
he has a Mystery to be obsessive about!!!
vitamin cee
1 weeks ago
alia, meanwhile, is stockpiling weapons and being weird and will prolly go around seeing if her powers still work
vitamin cee
1 weeks ago
(they will like 50% of the time honestly whatever whoever i'm threading with prefers lmao)
vitamin cee
1 weeks ago
i want 50000 threads with everyone plz
vitamin cee
1 weeks ago
angel is living his best life!! he's got all these hot guys who are being nice 2 him and he's trying to sort that all out
vitamin cee
1 weeks ago
while also revamping the nest's stage so it's Legit
vitamin cee
1 weeks ago
heist stuff too this month
vitamin cee
1 weeks ago
ANYWAYS OVERALL i want everything with everyone thank u
vitamin cee
1 weeks ago
artistformerlyknownas: YES AGREED tell him he's cute, watch him fluster and stammer and shove his glasses up half a dozen times
vitamin cee
1 weeks ago
hellbender: scream YES come play w/ them
SING ANGEL. Let Ver root for you bestie
sticks my leggy out real damn far
1 weeks ago
vitamin cee
1 weeks ago
accessories: angel of music hehehe
vitamin cee
1 weeks ago
tacce: i want to explore these slow burn(s) how did i, the most impatient person Alive end up with like 12 of the most deliciously beautiful slow burn relationships ever c r y
right like. howmst. me staring at my normal flashbang quickburns then looking toward lucifer and angel, lucifer and alastor, fizz and angel, whatever the fuck is happening with fizz and blitzø, lmao
vitamin cee
1 weeks ago
even when they're fast they're slow!!!! because FEELIGNS
vitamin cee
1 weeks ago
i love it
vitamin cee
1 weeks ago
but also i want angel to kiss more ppl this month
have u considered. chaste courting kiss the devil from the bible
bc i hadnt until just this very second this is alia "took my sister's car lol"
vitamin cee
1 weeks ago
tacce: !!! Y E S tell me more
vitamin cee
1 weeks ago
hellbender: a;jgal;kg is there enough room for furiosa to teach her to drive omg they don't have cars in duneworld
i just think. they should get closer. and then the hilarity that is the devil himself just doing a cute non-pressing kiss. yes but since it's 2006 they have to drive this
q, and my tag will be the same either way, is angel aware that lucifer knows every single human language that exists because both options for this are very cute lmao
vitamin cee
1 weeks ago
hellbender: YES omg yes
vitamin cee
1 weeks ago
tacce: he is NOT AWARE it just slipped out ok
vitamin cee
1 weeks ago
find him a better nickname that daddy lulu
hee hee hee
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