1 weeks ago
!! please interact !!
may i please have some help on how to go to bed earlier😭?? as of recently ive been waking up at 12pm and going to bed at around 6am🥲 I used to be going to bed at 10-12am and waking up at 6am but now i keep staying up late on my phone/laptop
1 weeks ago
couldn't tell you tbh, it's 3 am rn...
maybe just set your own sleep timer on your phone? or just try your hardest to put your phone down when it reaches a certain time and keep it out of reach so you don't go back on if
1 weeks ago
stay out of bed during the day + if you have trouble sleeping, get out of bed + do something like take a walk. if you're in there too much, you don't associate the bed with sleeping anymore. i know some devices will allow you to close everything + disable apps so you can focus (focus mode i think?) if you fall asleep better with noise, play music or a stream
1 weeks ago
be more active during the day
1 weeks ago
take a smalldose, like 1-3 mg 3-5 hours before you want to go to sleep so your body can process it and starts making natural melatonin.