Zigzag Stampede
3 months ago
[RP] Sorry for the lack of tags lately. The stress of picking my new job has got me all: Brrzztz that it's a bit hard to be creative right now. Hopefully after this week things will be more settled again.
latest #81
Zigzag Stampede
3 months ago
My brain just keeps buzzing on:
- Which of these two options do I go with?
- Okay, made a choice between the two - but how do I get them to hurry their process along? I think the other job is going to want an answer sooner than the one I want. I don't want to tell them no, but then this other job not pan out
3 months ago
Zigzag Stampede
3 months ago
- Oh god, I got to write a registration letter to my current job
- Oh god, I need to write more instructions to make things easier on the coworkers I'm leaving behind
- How awkward is my current job going to be once I tell them?????
Zigzag Stampede
3 months ago
Like, it's a good position to be in. I have two jobs I'm excited for. I've not been in a position like that before.

But because they'll ultimately change my life in slightly more drastic ways, it's just hard to focus on anything that isn't them right now
Zigzag Stampede
3 months ago
(Watch me be wrong and get neither job, but they both are acting like they're trying to move semi quickly before I accept another role so I'm hopeful I'll get at least one of them)
3 months ago
Zigzag Stampede
3 months ago
It's already past midnight here and I needed to go to bed like an hour ago, but instead I'm sitting here going: WHY MUST CHANGE BE SO TERRIFYING!?
3 months ago
/holds close and pets hair
3 months ago
3 months ago
Zigzag Stampede
3 months ago
3 months ago
wait did one of them say You're Hired? /peer
3 months ago
resignation letter is easy though
3 months ago
dear X, this letter is to inform you of my official resignation and two weeks' required leave (or hwoever much you have to give)" regards ZZ
3 months ago
oh I see they did not hire you yet. sadness
3 months ago
Correct about the resignation letter, though. You don't owe anyone, ever, anything more when you tell them you're leaving. You don't actually owe them two weeks, either. Giving them that is you being kind and polite, but that's as much as they should get for how they treat you.
Zigzag Stampede
3 months ago
I do like my direct manager and my coworkers. I wouldn't want to leave them in the lurch by quitting unexpectedly.

I'm not actually worried about writing the letter. It's just actually spending time writing it when I could be doing something else like video games and it's the sign that this is actually final. I'm actually leaving
3 months ago
that's fair. but literally like two lines when you have to.
Zigzag Stampede
3 months ago
My current job gave me a 12% raise today. TOO LITTLE TOO LATE.
Zigzag Stampede
3 months ago
All the stressing they did - basically begging me not to tell anyone else because I am the highest paid support staff by far
Zigzag Stampede
3 months ago
/tells fucking everyone
Zigzag Stampede
3 months ago
I think they may suspect I'm looking for new work
3 months ago
didn't you outright tell them that lmao
Zigzag Stampede
3 months ago
I told them a few months ago that I was done discussing how I don't feel the pay was fair and that I could see we weren't going to agree on that.
3 months ago
If they'd get their heads out of their asses and worry more about their people than their profits, they'd both have better, happier people and more profits because a better staffed and paid team can work better and more efficiently when they're feeling good.
3 months ago
Zigzag Stampede
3 months ago
Zigzag Stampede
3 months ago
The job I want thinks they can give me an answer by the end of the week. They're contacting my references tomorrow. References have been given a heads up
3 months ago
That's great news. Fingers crossed.
Zigzag Stampede
3 months ago
I'm still so scared. I hate change. I really hope this works out. That I'm not walking into a worse job
3 months ago
I get it, but you've been talking about and working at getting out of this job for over a year. It will only get harder to get the fuck out if you stay and be miserable because you don't want to take an opportunity that has every chance of being better.
3 months ago
Let's also be realistic that these fuckwits you're leaving will very likely hire you back in an instant because you know everything and get more shit done in your scheduled working hours than others.
Zigzag Stampede
3 months ago
I wouldn't go that far. One of the things that is making it a little sad to leave is everyone there is a hard worker. They just often work harder than smarter.
Zigzag Stampede
3 months ago
Sometimes that's why they ask really dumb questions. Because they're swamped with work and just aren't thinking
Zigzag Stampede
3 months ago
But I am reminding myself that besides enjoying my coworkers - I've never been actually happy with this job
Zigzag Stampede
3 months ago
At the start the word load required was stupidly insane, the learning curb was insanity, and I left crying most days.
3 months ago
Working smarter means you're better than others, FYI. There's no shame or malice in saying that.
Zigzag Stampede
3 months ago
While I've moved into a position I now mostly enjoy, they were still fine underpaying me an everyone else for a year.
3 months ago
Them overworking because they choose to work unpaid rather than tell the bosses it's too much by leaving things undone is on them and a choice that does not bode well for them as people (mental or emotional health wise, not to mention physically).
Zigzag Stampede
3 months ago
Oh, I know I'm smarter than several of them. I suppose I'm just a little over sensitive to the team I'm with now not getting the credit they deserve for the work they do.

Last job I was doing all the work because my coworkers were lazy and useless.

This job they actually work really hard and I see them getting shafted by management and it sucks.
Zigzag Stampede
3 months ago
<.<;; although I have talked 2 people into quitting before I found a job for myself and a 3rd is teetering on the edge. I don't think she's going to last too long once I go.
The hardest part for me leaving jobs has been the people, by and large. It's said people don't leave jobs, they leave bad management/bosses. You're an amazing employee for a myriad of reasons. Zero shame in taking care of you.
3 months ago
You're discrediting yourself to give them props, though. That's unfair to you. You have been mistreated consistently and therefore you need change.
3 months ago
This company is inflexible and if they collapse, that's their problem.
3 months ago
You'll do what you can to document and make sure everyone's set when you leave, and that's all you can do.
3 months ago
No one will look out for you but you, especially in a workplace like this.
Zigzag Stampede
3 months ago
I guess I'm just nervous because the last 2 jobs I've had I've been so hopeful for an improvement. As during the interview they sound great. But when I arrive things are different
3 months ago
That's a fair worry, but holding yourself to what was bad in the past keeps you from moving forward.
Zigzag Stampede
3 months ago
So, my nervousness is mostly being - is this third time unlucky?
Zigzag Stampede
3 months ago
Am I choosing a job that's further away from my home and a longer commute just to find out it's actually worse than the job I left behind?
3 months ago
I can play devil's advocate here for you to keep things in perspective.
3 months ago
You can in fact stay in a job that has consistently undervalued and underpaid and overworked you (and your coworkers). You can stay in the job that you have to physically force yourself to up to several times a week and complain about bullshit your coworkers have done at least once a week.
3 months ago
You can stay at a job where the commute is convenient but restricts where you live in the future because of pay and opportunities there.
3 months ago
Or you can trust that you can find a new balance and find a way forward if this does happen to suck compared to the shitty job you've been wanting to leave for over a year.
Zigzag Stampede
3 months ago
Sorry I ended up passing out last night. Didn't mean to suddenly stop responding
Zigzag Stampede
3 months ago
And yeah, I am trying to keep that in perspective. Even if this new job isn't as advertised in the end - it's paying more and I can always find a new job again. At least it pays more while I'm miserable and if has a chance to not be miserable
3 months ago
I figured. Gotta get that sleep
Zigzag Stampede
3 months ago
Which I did not do. Passed out pretty quickly, but kept waking up all night long.
3 months ago
Stress will do that to you. =/
3 months ago
Zigzag Stampede
3 months ago
Got the official offer for the Lawfirm just now. /vibrates

It's happening. I'm leaving one way or the other. Just hoping to hear back quickly from the other job, but if they say no I've secured at least one job.
3 months ago
Hell yeah!
3 months ago
Alpha Hole
3 months ago
Zigzag Stampede
3 months ago
I just made a coworker legit cry. it's not going to stop me from leaving, but it's ncke to feel loved. And also slightly guilty
3 months ago
Zigzag Stampede
3 months ago
Lol, what one of my references apparently said to the job that's given me an offer. https://images.plurk.com/3sCIlFiHktRtjzyvQ8d2Ee.jpg
3 months ago
Zigzag Stampede
3 months ago
I just got another call from a recruitment agency. WHERE WERE ALL YOU PEOPLE WHEN I WANTED YOU LAST YEAR/SEVERAL MONTHS AGO
3 months ago
"zz is a hot commodity we must act fast now!!"
Zigzag Stampede
3 months ago
Decisions have been made. The second job got back to me and I've accepted their offer. So here's hoping the job is as good as it sounds like it will be
Zigzag Stampede
3 months ago
I thought I'd feel better once the final choice was made, but I feel so stressed. I think I just got myself in such a high level of freaking out that I can't come down. I will eventually, but just... ahhhh I start July 17th
proud of you!!!
Zigzag Stampede
3 months ago
Me and my favorite coworker cried as I told her - she gave me a reference and wanted to know how it went
Zigzag Stampede
3 months ago
But I decided to give the manger I like one last weekend before I make her life extra stressful by resigning
3 months ago
3 months ago
New job! That is not the bullshit you're dealing with now and is the one you wanted! Congrats! Take a breath, remind yourself that this is forward and that's a good thing (even if it's scary), and get some rest.
3 months ago
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