Zigzag Stampede
1 weeks ago
Me an ace person: I don't get it when people call anime boys hot.
Me a Trigun fan:チタエクストラバガンザ🍩🐺 (@tinetittaa0415) on XOr maybe I do...
latest #176
Zigzag Stampede
1 weeks ago
Look, I'm joking. I do get what people see and call attractive.

I just almost never feel that way past: yeah, that art looks super cool or yeah, that person look symmetrically pretty. I enjoy looking at them.
1 weeks ago
LOL Look. We (almost) all have The Exception To Our Rule.
Zigzag Stampede
1 weeks ago
Then there's the rare occasion where I look at something and go: ooooooh I think I understand what they mean by hot now.
1 weeks ago
Also, I call that "Aesthetic Attraction," which is also very much something I have.
Zigzag Stampede
1 weeks ago
1 weeks ago
But hooboy, Vash is sure up there, huh? Preeetty boy. And not in the demeaning way, either.
1 weeks ago
Especially when he looks super serious like in that art. OH MAN that one's so good!
Zigzag Stampede
1 weeks ago
I love the serious expression Vash art. I mean, I do love my goofy stuff, but sometimes I get tired of the woobie. BOY CAN BE SERIOUS TOO
Zigzag Stampede
1 weeks ago
Give me a growling Vash with a slight lip curl.
1 weeks ago
Yeah, same. Plus, the serious stuff really is just closer to a lot if the way he was in Trimax, which is my favorite version. Sure, he had moments of goofy and woobie, but he was also so, so angry a lot of time.
yeah the ace experience is like. oh they’re hot. i don’t want to fuck them but they are indeed pleasing to lay my eyeballs upon
1 weeks ago
I think that's part of why I loved this art so much: https://images.plurk.com/4EC3XlybIDzDXtEQY6in3v.jpg You get the feral goofy 98 Vash, the precious babyboy Stampede Vash, and Trimax Vash just being all big, protective, serious brother over the other two. The best of all worlds.
Zigzag Stampede
1 weeks ago
Yes! I love how great it is that you can tell the 3 Vash's apart just by the expression that so many artists nail. Even without the different hair styles
1 weeks ago
YES. XD The differences can be very subtle at times, but they're there, and they're all really fun!
1 weeks ago
And when artists get it right, it's so good.
1 weeks ago
also you can't tell me Max Vash wouldn't keep having to yank 98 around by his collar when he started misbehaving, so many times, and it makes me laugh.
1 weeks ago
"Ohhh, hey, she's a cute-ACH!!!" "What have we told you..."
1 weeks ago
The pathetic whimpering would have no effect on him. It's his own tactic. He sees right through it, so stop!
Zigzag Stampede
1 weeks ago
Just because I know you're a Vash/Wolfwood shipper:

Imagine Stampede Wolfwood getting the pouty faces of all 3 Vash's and Trimax Wolfwood just sighing as Stampede gets flustered before showing how yoh deal with it. with violence
1 weeks ago
1 weeks ago
I feel like even prickly Stampede Wolfwood would be a smidgen less quick to resort to clocking them upside the head because they were pouting.
1 weeks ago
Not Trimax. Sucker punches are his love language.
Zigzag Stampede
1 weeks ago
Same with 98
1 weeks ago
Yeah, though he's just less angry in general, It seems?
Zigzag Stampede
1 weeks ago @Edit 1 weeks ago
Or - is it they sucker punch Trimax and 98 and then they all fall weak to Stampede?
Zigzag Stampede
1 weeks ago
He is DEFINITELY less angry, but I can see 98 Wolfwood doing it more out of rough housing then say anger
1 weeks ago
aand I can see Wolfwood smacking Stampede Vash would make Trimax Vash's reaction go from whining to cranky lecturing about not hitting people. Don't hurt the baby of the family! He's still a baby! Wait, what do you mean you're older than the other one? Wait HOW ARE YOU TWENTY YEARS YOUNGER THAN BOTH OF US???
1 weeks ago
HDKFHAHAHA yes, that is a strong possibility, too! The older Vashes get smacked, meanwhile 98 Wolfwood is the one who goes after Stampede Vash because he's the one with a softer touch and will wrestle him down instead of smacking.
1 weeks ago
Wrestling is fine. They all know he's whining and throwing a fuss, but he actually enjoys the rough-housing a bit. Like a puppy getting wallowed on.
Zigzag Stampede
1 weeks ago
Some days I wish I could draw well enough to put the ideas in my head onto paper
1 weeks ago
i could see tristamp wolfwood being punchy bc he's a feral baby
1 weeks ago
I'm a better writer than I am a 2d artist, though, so that's why I just try and rp my thoughts out. lol
1 weeks ago
Yeah, I can see him being punchy, but not as punchy as Trimax Wolfwood.
1 weeks ago
In my head, I imagine the Trimax boys continuing to be each other's affectionate tormentors, while 98 Wolfwood would leave 98 Vash to Stampede Wolfwood because 98 Vash is enough of a dumbass to push the right buttons to trigger Stamp Wolfwood's punching reflex, and it would leave the less-prickly 98 Nick to deal with the wibbly baby Stamp Vash, instead. XD
1 weeks ago
Though lol it'd be more of a "Yeah, I'm leavin' that mess in your hands." "What? Why me??? He's your friend!" "Eh, you got this." /Snickers and walks away/ situation.
1 weeks ago
(Maybe he's just using it as an excuse to get to ruffle the hair of the one brother that doesn't keep it gelled into razor-sharp needles...XD;;; )
Zigzag Stampede
1 weeks ago
I love the idea of a Wolfwood being a grimlin by letting their Vash torment another Wolfwood
1 weeks ago
lol lbh, they so would. I feel like at least one of the Wolfwoods would totally enjoy pestering the other two. XD
1 weeks ago
If not just general antagonism from all three in one way or another. They're all assholes in their own way.
1 weeks ago
Though...now I'm imagining the emotional damage meeting 98 Wolfwood would have on Trimax Vash (especially one with black hair) just because it'd be a glimpse into what Trimax Wolfwood might have been like, if he hadn't been tortured as a child. Still had a shitty person raising him, but he didn't have.../vague gesturing at Trimax Woowoo/ All of that.
1 weeks ago
And he really does seem to be just a lot softer than the other two, even with his assholery.
Zigzag Stampede
1 weeks ago
I actually think 98 Wolfwood is my favourite out of the lot and Trimax Vash is my favourite out of the 3.5 (poor always forgotten Badlands Rumble)
1 weeks ago
I honestly just think of BLR as an extra long anime episode, personally, though I know it's technically supposed to be its own timeline. But yeah, Trimax Vash is my favorite Vash, too. I think Trimax is my fave Wolfwood, too, but I might be biased because I rp him. lol
1 weeks ago
At the very least, I feel like he's the most tragic, so far.
1 weeks ago
1 weeks ago
*acethetic attraction
1 weeks ago
Kayjayyy: lol nice. I hadn't ever noticed that.
1 weeks ago
my faves are stamp and trimax tbh
the tragic backstories are so peak
like im still waiting for stamp to give us the full Tesla Fallout
1 weeks ago
Right? If they show us baby Vash almost being the brother who went homicidal stab-happy while also being high-key suicidal, I will go feral.
1 weeks ago
That was one of those most fucked up, upsetting moments in the manga that made me realize just how messed up both of them really are.
1 weeks ago
And the realization that Vash almost went the exact same way Knives did was absolutely terrifying.
1 weeks ago
Had to actually go back a page to make sure I wasn't confused about which brother I was reading in that scene.
give me feral murder-suicide babyvash i want it so bad
1 weeks ago
Yessssss https://images.plurk.com/5LxtkK76IW664z3HFswla4.gif
i still think about how that incident and following conversation with rem is the reason vash cares so much about protecting humanity now
1 weeks ago
Yeah. She helped walk him back from that ledge. You could tell he was still wary about whether she was safe or not, but she let him see that things weren't really as purely horrible as his trauma was telling him it was and helped bring him a little back to himself so he could start to heal (as much as that poor kiddo ever got to heal, at least.)
1 weeks ago
Also, lbh; humans name their roombas and give them beds to sleep in. The fear and danger that they'd be dissected like lab rats is so valid, but there's also just as much of a chance that if they'd been able to get the kids away from the doctors who sanctioned and insisted on the Tesla experiments, they could have been accepted very easily, especially
1 weeks ago
when they were older.
1 weeks ago
You have a little wide-eyed, cuddly, affectionate kid babbling at you about the hobbies they like and how much they want to just be friends with everyone, a not-insignificant portion of humanity would just turn into a momma/daddy bear.
1 weeks ago
Then, you find out that they're "different" and it puts them at risk of being hurt by the less-kind portions, a good number of those won't just daddy-bear, they'll fight to protect them so hard.
1 weeks ago
It's one of the reasons the backstory is so sad, honestly. They never got the chance to see the better parts of humanity before everything went right to shit. A bad situation could have been fixed with a little time and care, but NOPE. TIME TO WRECK EVERYTHING AND WATCH IT GO UP IN FLAMES And as young as they were, Knives' reaction is so
1 weeks ago
genuinely my favorite thing about vash is that he doesn't actually disagree that humans are dangerous
he's not out here like they did nothing wrong, they were justified
he just thinks they can change and it's worth trying to effect that change
but knives thinks they'll all be destroyed in the waiting
like i think a lot about how rem was part of the experiments and she always regretted it. she was the evidence right there for the potential of human change
1 weeks ago
Yep, he knows humans can be horrible and they can and have done horrible things. Hell, even as a child, he was the more timid, nervous one in the manga, he didn't seem to actually believe that they would be able to be accepted at first. But he just wants so much for them to be given the chance to be better, and he's seen it happen and knows they can,
1 weeks ago
so it helps reinforce what Rem taught him and makes his convictions even stronger.
1 weeks ago
And yeah, seeing that deep, soul-crushing remorse in Rem when she finally came clean was probably a very good start to everything for Vash, how she was obviously so guilty and broken up about it and how terrified she was for them and breaking so many rules to go against what she was supposed to do to keep them safe.
1 weeks ago
I don't know if that would have helped Knives, or if he just broke differently in such a way that it couldn't be mended before he did what he did, but at the very least it helped Vash.
Zigzag Stampede
1 weeks ago
(I'm out so not commenting much, but it's a treat to keep coming back to this plurk)
1 weeks ago
I still always wonder if Knives really did have amnesia when he first woke up. His sharp slide from bubbly and loving everyone and wanting to be their friends when they woke up into such nihilistic, homicidal tendencies so quickly seems a little extreme for just being told what happened and not remembering the thing he found first-hand.
Zigzag Stampede
1 weeks ago
And +1 to having to go back a page to make sure I was reading about Vash and not Knives
1 weeks ago
zigzag123: XD hey, just so long as my rambling isn't too much!
Zigzag Stampede
1 weeks ago
I'm always happy for people to ramble in my plurks!! Ramble away!
Zigzag Stampede
1 weeks ago
I just don't want my lack of responses to be seen as anything other than AFK (LOL)
1 weeks ago
Also ugh oh man, the guilt Vash had to have as an adult, remembering how he almost killed Rem just. I NEED A MOMENT OK
1 weeks ago
How much he hates the thought of killing and how killing Legato literally broke him, I imagine the memory of that brief moment of just...utter, unhinged, bright glee over having stabbed her must make him absolutely sick.
1 weeks ago
zigzag123: haha yeah, honestly, that's what I figured it was. XD I'm just...in the middle of my shift, and it's a slow night as always, so I'm totally free to just BRAINSPLODE all over this. Oops.
i think that's why vash goes to such extremes to avoid it
Zigzag Stampede
1 weeks ago
<.< I'd normally be at work, but I had a job interview and took the day off. Now out doing a bit of shopping I don't normally have time for.
like specifically the conversation about how as long as you're alive, you can go anywhere. the potential for change is always there until death
so killing someone, esp a human, is like spitting on the memory of rem and what she died for
me shaking tristamp like Give Me The Scene
they referenced the blank ticket thing obliquely as a story she previously told so i am so. hopeful.
genuinely think vash's story would lose so much color without it so im like waiting
1 weeks ago
Yessss, even if someone is hurting him and trying to kill him, he doesn't want to take their life because that means he's taking away their chance to be better, to show the same change and redemption that Rem had a chance for.
1 weeks ago
He's fine, he can take the abuse, they can't kill him as easily as they can each other, so if they have to take their anger out on him on their way to that better way, then he's fine with that.
also if i recall vash had a scene in the manga where he says smth to knives about how it's arrogant to assume they understand every circumstance
1 weeks ago
zigzag123: Oooh, good luck on the interview! :V
i love vash so much he is one of my favorite fictonal characters of all time
1 weeks ago
goodluckmodes: Yeah, I think that was around the time the backstory for his arm was revealed. He pointed out to Knives that the humans hadn't been acting out of malice, they were acting out of desperation that Knives (and in his own mind, Vash himself) were direction responsible for.
1 weeks ago
Honestly, same. The entire story has handled grey morality in a much better, much more nuanced and true-to-life way than almost any other media I've ever seen.
im always so gently devastated at the fact that knives did what he did to protect plants but ended up kinda making things worse for them
1 weeks ago
It's an extremely hard line to walk, and most people don't get it right.
and to knives he's like well that's because i didn't kill the humans well enough
i also think a lot about how knives wanted rem to escape with them after the ships were sabotaged, at least in stamp and i think in the manga too
1 weeks ago
Yeah, Knives is so wrong in what he does, but his reasons are so valid, and he's just so, so tragic in the way he becomes the thing he's fighting against the most. His trauma broke him so hard that he was incapable of seeing that he was doing exactly what he thought he was fighting against.
1 weeks ago
Oh yeah, I think on some level he did, too, even if later on, he had trouble acknowledging it even to himself.
1 weeks ago
Also, the fact that what finally made him realize he'd fucked up was when Vash literally jacked himself into the hivemind with him and forced him to relive all the trauma he'd put him through? THAT HITS FUCKIN' HARD.
1 weeks ago
Like. GET EMPATHIED, BITCH. /lays down. Tries not to cry. Cries a lot/
1 weeks ago
Those two really were just...emotionally stunted and mentally stuck in the trauma, when it boils down to it. They aged and matured, they're fully adults, but the trauma fucked them up so hard that those literal-one-year-old babies are just still in there, unable to recover, and retraumatizing themselves because of it over and over and over again.
1 weeks ago
It's honestly why I can't really hate Knives like I normally would if he'd been written by a less skilled writer. I hate the things he's done and what he became, but I'm so sad for him and wish he could have gotten help before it was too late.
1 weeks ago
They were babies. Even if their bodies aged more quickly and their minds were more mature, they didn't have the life experiences to help them understand things the way a human child their physical age might have otherwise. And even a human child would have been severely fucked up by that, even with the grace of a few more years.
Zigzag Stampede
1 weeks ago
And the thing is - Knives sort of has a point. The crash - that was a child acting a bit impulsively, but after the fall if someone didn't do something the humans would keep using up the plants until they are gone.
Zigzag Stampede
1 weeks ago
The other thing I think about is how Rem gave her life to save the people of the ships. So, to kill one of them is like wasting her sacrifice
1 weeks ago
Yeah, his reasoning comes from a very valid point, even if the end result is just twisted and horrible.
1 weeks ago
I don't think Rem would have wanted Vash to have taken her lessons to the extreme he did, letting himself be brutalized over and over and over again, but when Knives went as far as he did, there was little chance of that not happening, and she wasn't there to help temper Vash back down from the second trauma of the Big Fall (and lbh the 80 years of only
1 weeks ago
having Knives as any social outlet during their early years, because that could not have been healthy for him) so he wasn't really able to think about it properly.
vash and knives’ backstory is why i bailed on 98 tbh bc i was just way more interested in the manga version
1 weeks ago
Yeah, like I love 98 because it was the thing that got me into anime to begin with, but it really isn't as good as the manga. It's just...too shallow of a reading for the story we got in the manga. Granted, the series wasn't finished at the time and there's never going to be a chance of getting as much out of a 26 episode series as you would out of a
1 weeks ago
full manga story, but you know.
i got all the way to fifth moon i think? then looked up the backstory bc i was too curious and went ehhhh im switching
funny story: i got into trigun and went 'i wish there was an anime for the manga continuity' literally one week before stampede was announced
Zigzag Stampede
1 weeks ago
Oh wow! I didn't know you were a new-ish fan!
1 weeks ago
XD Yeah, I don't think Trimax was translated and easily accessible for me at that time. I had up to Trigun 2 and then had to wait a couple years for Trimax 1 to be in my bookstore.
1 weeks ago @Edit 1 weeks ago
Actually, I think I got Trigun 2, was like "oh, huh, the anime goes past this, that's strange." and then Trimax started showing up, and I was like "WHAT??? Why is his hair different? What are those funny things on his coat??? WHAT IS GOING ON?????"
oh you didn't? haha yeah i got into trigun like. last year.
or maybe the year before?
1 weeks ago
That's the great thing about Stampede. :V Not only did it give us Two Cakes, it brought it to a new generation of fans!
1 weeks ago
Did you look into it after the first Stampede trailer dropped?
i played manga vash for five minutes before stampede happened and moe vash stole my soul
1 weeks ago
HAHA I mean Moe Vash is a precious baby and he should be protected at all costs!
1 weeks ago
Don't care that he's old enough to be our ancestor. We (especially the aces) all want to be his parent and protect him!
and no i just by complete coincidence got into 98 trigun for the first time in 2022 just before the stampede announcement
1 weeks ago
haha oh, well that must have been a trip.
i joked to my friends that i manifested it bc i wanted an anime adaptation of the manga to make it easier to consume
1 weeks ago
I hadn't even thought about Trigun in any serious sort of way in years before summer 2022, when all of a sudden the trailer showed up, and I had one more round of "WHAT?????" to go through. (LOL)
literally i said 'i wish there was an anime version of the manga' and ONE WEEK LATER
1 weeks ago
Well, at least Stampede is closer to the manga in tone, even if they shuffled the event timeline around a little. lol
a peak moment in the life of bat
Zigzag Stampede
1 weeks ago
Where.... I've been Trigun obsessed since 2003 and just... Never stopped. (LOL)
1 weeks ago
haha I bet!
1 weeks ago
Waiting those six months for the new series was so rude.
Zigzag Stampede
1 weeks ago
I started with the anime as our local bookstore didn't carry any manga until a couple years after I watched the anime
Zigzag Stampede
1 weeks ago
And I basically went: holy shit... I MISSED ALL THIS CONTEXT?!
i actually tried to watch it once before but the first episode of 98 didnt really grab me
then i watched it again and i think it was ep 3 that really got me by the throat
Zigzag Stampede
1 weeks ago
The 98 anime isn't for everyone, but I for some reason just loved it. I think it's the coat. I just really wanted to wear it
1 weeks ago
zigzag123: Yeah, I think that's kind of how it was for us, too. It was early 2000's for me, so that would have been early for anime and manga fandom where I grew up. lol
1 weeks ago
And I don't know if I started liking Trigun first or Devil May Cry first, but the fact that four of my favorite Japanese things had That Coat as the aesthetic, I'd say it's a pretty common denominator. XD
1 weeks ago
Vash, Dante, Alucard, and Vincent Valentine. There's a theme.
1 weeks ago
(And amusingly enough, Vash is the oldest of all of them, and possibly inspired at least two of them.)
1 weeks ago
1 weeks ago
Ok, his coat is very good.
Zigzag Stampede
1 weeks ago
I use to obsess over this cosplayer. I was so sad I couldn't go to conventions to see awesome cosplays like theirs
1 weeks ago
The hair is flipped though and I'm like OMG but that's pedantic. XD
1 weeks ago
Only cosplayer I know from looking at them is...probably that Joker that was really famous a few years ago? lol Though some Trigun cosplayers have started being recognizable.
1 weeks ago
1 weeks ago
(Part of me loves cosplay and wishes I could participate. The other part of me is sad I can't because of my size and not feeling like I fit the body types anywhere near close enough to do so, so I tend to not pay too much attention to it for my own mental health. ;_; )
Zigzag Stampede
1 weeks ago
And I believe this is where the name came fromStripper Vash @ Anime Central 2004 - #S23 Prop Rules
Zigzag Stampede
1 weeks ago
Also fun fact - I saw these before I could get my hands on the manga so I didn't know why his hair was black or what was up with the different coats
Zigzag Stampede
1 weeks ago
And now that plurk has stopped hiding comments - same. I would love to cosplay, but my body type makes it too hard. It would make me focus on my body too much so I don't personally do it.

But I do still enjoy seeing how creative other people can get with it
1 weeks ago
Yeah, I really wish I could enjoy seeing everyone's cosplays more, because costuming is legit one of my favorite things in the entire world. It's why I love the ren faire so much. So it just makes me really depressed to see how good everyone is and feel like I can't participate.
1 weeks ago
HAH HAH HAH But I might be feeling it more because of monthly hormones. ;_;
1 weeks ago
OH YEAH there's also that one black cosplayer who cosplays Stampede Vash and he's fucking amazing! Hold on, lemme see if I can find him!
1 weeks ago
oh no I'm seeing a bunch of ai "photos" of random dudebro Vash cosplays when I try and google him, this is awful. They look like legit photos, too, but you can tell they're ai because they all have the same expression and the cosplay itself is too off-model in a particular way even though they're all different to be legit.
1 weeks ago
OMG NO VASH https://imgs.plurk.com/QEC/c53/sejUAEUlk7xzFnnLxEFtK3cwpD4_lg.jpg WHAT HAS THE AI ROBOT DONE TO YOU??? YOUR POOR EAR
Zigzag Stampede
1 weeks ago
Zigzag Stampede
1 weeks ago
The sure is... something
Zigzag Stampede
1 weeks ago
But I think I've seen the cosplayer you're talking about!
oh that’s just unsettling ngl, the AI one
that’s a serial killer smile
1 weeks ago
But yeah, I remember him being one of the first people to do Stampede Vash cosplay when the show came out, and he was fast! And everything was perfect and I was shook! XD He's so good!
1 weeks ago
aKFLAJSDF;HA yeaaaaah, ai nonsense is becoming such nails on a chalkboard to me, and I used to be really excited about the technology.
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