2 months ago
intersex people (including myself) can say again and again and again in as clear language as we can “Please Do Not Fetishise Our Bodies” and “This Is What Fetishisation Looks Like” and there will always be some fucking perisex person absolutely RACING to tell us how much they don’t value our opinions

“I’m not fetishising being intersex I just wish I (1/?)
2 months ago
was intersex because it would be fun to have both a penis and a vagina”

“yeah I’m normal about intersex people! they’re really attractive/interesting/fascinating!”

“isn’t it so cool how some people are just naturally nonbinary. like your body is nonbinary. which means a nonbinary intersex person is cis”

shut up shut up shut up leave us alone fucking
2 months ago
hellllll (3/3) (this is a repost)