found a whole slew of grubs sitting in the middle of the floor??
latest #11
howmst the fuck did y'all get there??
put them outside.... but why... were they inside......
these were mostly still alive I think... but they did spray in here today, so if I missed any they shouldn't become an issue...
3 months ago
grubs??? what the heck ARE those doing inside? most beetle grubs eat like, rotting wood and live in old stumps and such
yeah, no clue...
mom dropped by just now, helped me search for any I'd missed, found one more... hopefully that's all of them :Ta
mom said the one we found looked like a maggot so. I'm especially like "why are you here..."
3 months ago
oof... hopefully you don't have anything dead in the walls or anything like that
yeah :|aa
beginning to suspect there were eggs in the carpet???? maybe?? I keep finding new ones to remove,,
mostly all in the same spot
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