Zigzag Stampede
2 weeks ago
/ Sorry for the lack of tags. I have 3 interviews over the next two days and I've been trying to do research on all the businesses.
latest #33
Zigzag Stampede
2 weeks ago
....this wasn't suppose to be private. /edits privacy
Zigzag Stampede
2 weeks ago
but yeah - I've been creatively a bit tapped out
Zigzag Stampede
2 weeks ago
I've spent the last two days reading and re-reading the job offers/descriptions, looking up reviews on the companies, thinking over questions to ask during the interviews.

Yet, I still feel woefully under prepared
2 weeks ago
yeeesh good luck
Zigzag Stampede
2 weeks ago
Thanks, the first one tomorrow will possibly be the most nerve wrecking. I just don't feel smart enough and I don't know why
Zigzag Stampede
2 weeks ago
I need to have more self confidence, but I just so bad at it (LOL)
2 weeks ago
good luck my darling!!!!
2 weeks ago
Wishing you all the luck!
2 weeks ago
Good luck!!!
Good luck!!
Zigzag Stampede
1 weeks ago
First interview went well. I got good vibes from it. I'm a little worried I will struggle at the start as they use a program that I've not used before. But, I think I can figure it out. That and the two people - one who will be my manager - seemed nice
Zigzag Stampede
1 weeks ago
From the sound of it they also have a high retention rate. I'm replacing someone who retired
Zigzag Stampede
1 weeks ago @Edit 1 weeks ago
I have been warned that at the start things might be rough - as I'm replacing someone who retired - so that's a wealth of information and experience that is now gone, but there will also be 2 senior members who will be going on break one after the other
Zigzag Stampede
1 weeks ago
but, that it won't usually be so busy once everyone is back from their long service leave
1 weeks ago
Fingers crossed for you
Zigzag Stampede
1 weeks ago
I'm also not thrilled with the location as there is no easy bus to it. I will have to drive about 20-30 minutes there and back each day. Although there is plenty of parking so I at least won't have to pay for that
Zigzag Stampede
1 weeks ago
But that's not terrible either. I'm just going to miss my tagging on the bus time
Zigzag Stampede
1 weeks ago
So I might accept this one if I get it. Within about 20 minutes after the interview I got contacted to ask if I would be happy to move onto the next step. So very promising!

They've submitted my details to an police check. So I'll get the second interview once that gets back
Zigzag Stampede
1 weeks ago @Edit 1 weeks ago
second interview today - I turned that job down.

Despite me telling the recruiter I don't want a call center job - they thought a job of nothing but calling and chasing up debtors is a job I'd like
Zigzag Stampede
1 weeks ago
I was kind and did not laugh in the recruiters face
Zigzag Stampede
1 weeks ago
Just said: No. Firmly no.

Then had a 20 minute interview with the recruiter so they could see if they have other jobs that might fit me in the future. Feels mostly like a waste of time, but I didn't have a lot going on and you never know
Zigzag Stampede
1 weeks ago
Then had a final call today with the other recruitment agency I'm working with for the job with the lawfirm. They wanted to check in and give me some final tips for the interview tomorrow
Zigzag Stampede
1 weeks ago
Basically it was a very busy day of trying to find the right job and I just wish the best job would just fall into my lap
1 weeks ago
Steady progress, though. Fingers crossed the right job comes along soon.
1 weeks ago
Zigzag Stampede
1 weeks ago
Uggghhh, I think I like the lawfirm job as well. I DON'T KNOW WHAT I WANT TO DO
Zigzag Stampede
1 weeks ago
I know this is an amazing position to be in, but I'm so stressed about picking the right role.
Zigzag Stampede
1 weeks ago
-In CBD wonderful commute
-Work sounds very close to what I'm hoping for
-saying I worked in a lawfirm looks great in the resume in the future
-1 day work from home a week

-Business smart attire
-Reviews online make it sound bad to work for BUT all reviews are from lawyers. Not support staff
-Work load sounds very heavy
Zigzag Stampede
1 weeks ago @Edit 1 weeks ago
Communication job
-Really good vibe of the place.
-Extra benefits: discounted meals, free parking
-Casual dress
-Work sounds MOSTLY like what I want

-There sounds like an element of work I don't know as well. Could be exciting to learn something new. Or might be extra stress

-No public transport. Have to drive
-They partly use a DOS system
Zigzag Stampede
1 weeks ago
-Work from home by request
Zigzag Stampede
1 weeks ago
Or maybe that's in the meh. As it's there, just only on special occasions
Zigzag Stampede
1 weeks ago
-Glowing reviews online say it's a great place to work
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