1 months ago @Edit 1 months ago
the Night Critters have finally begun their summertime Nightscrem
latest #9
idk if what we got in here is cicadas or frogs
there's something that screms insistently and steadily all night
well, I got in a good sleep today, once I finally took my bedtime pills.
and I have tags... lets see if I can work with this
- x2 tagbacks (maybe? the thread with Ryou might be done I'm not sure)
x1 TL on event
after I take a pain med, I forgot how much I don't like the Nightscrem,,
did one tagback, the meds have helped enormously vs nightscrem, had lunch
thank goodness, I did not enjoy it
brain is not cooperating :|
I have a general concept for an event tl in mind, but it's not clear enough to brain words at it >:/a
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