3 weeks ago @Edit 3 weeks ago
[health-ish/advice seeking] hey does anyone who suffers from joint/muscle pain have any topical stuff they particularly like or super works for them?
latest #32
ɪᴄᴋʏ ✯
3 weeks ago
Liking because I need good recs too
biofreeze works nicely, my mom uses it for her RA
3 weeks ago
i've been waking up with really awful pain in my hip and then wrapping around down to my thigh in the mornings and it's starting to affect my sleep so i'm looking for something
3 weeks ago
nothlir: ooh i haven't tried this!
It works really well for her fingers and wrists, so that's all I got
Aside from booze /shrug
I usually use ibuprofen, but that only goes so far
3 weeks ago
yeah i've tried both acetaminophen and ibuprofen and neither are really hitting. i have some leftover oxy from surgery but i'd rather not if i don't have to
I use tiger balm for intense immediate relief (please enjoy smelling like mint for hours)
and voltaren (or the generic store brand i actually use) gel takes longer (several days applications) to take effect but it's great for chronic pain
the voltaren gel says that it's specifically only for arthritis pain but my doctor recommended it specifically for my recurring tendonitis / chronic joint pain and i have a few other non-arthritic friends who use it regularly
3 weeks ago
marlovingian: oh awesome about the voltaren cuz this has been happening a couple days a month for the past few months and it's starting to cut into my sleep
seconding biofreeze and voltaren (biofreeze also weirdly works for anything that itches like hell, i used it when i was pregnant and had PUPPP)
3 weeks ago
marlovingian thosehalcyondays is Diclofenac the voltaren genaric?
yes confirmed
give me aircon
3 weeks ago
i like biofreeze a lot
3 weeks ago
awesome awesome
give me aircon
3 weeks ago
my massage therapist used to use it and gave me samples before it as available for regular sale
3 weeks ago
givemedragons: ooh nice!
3 weeks ago
thank you guys so much for all the recs, i'm gonna try stuff out and see what works best, there's just like
3 weeks ago
a gazillion icy-hot type things on the market, so i'm like gah where do i start
3 weeks ago
but i've only been getting like four hours of sleep the past few days because of this so, you know
3 weeks ago
i think so yeah
3 weeks ago
okay, ointments have been purchased and will arrive on the morrow! in the meantime i have heating pads and gentle stretchies i guess
3 weeks ago
doesn't help for muscle pain, but for joint pain, I swear by glucosamine
3 weeks ago
namang: oooh okay. that's a supplement?
3 weeks ago
yep. it took about a month to work, but it really was a world of difference.
3 weeks ago
awesome awesome!
I use the menthol pain patches from dollar tree. They work decently and they're cheap.
3 weeks ago
Another vote for biofreeze
3 weeks ago
i honestly hadn't heard of biofreeze, i'm glad i made this post!
3 weeks ago
My dad and Nana both use stuff from this company and said it's really good:Native Botanicals — Lakota Herbal Remedies
3 weeks ago
oooh thank you thank you! i'll keep all these in mind as well :3
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